Упр.C Модуль 4 Test Booklet ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс
C Измените предложения с активной формы на пассивную.
20 Doctor Smith told the patient to take antibiotics. (Доктор Смит сказал пациенту принимать антибиотики)
The patient was told to take antibiotics by Doctor Smith. / The patient was told by Doctor Smith to tale antibiotics. (Доктором Смитом пациенту было сказано принимать антибиотики)
21 Chris should make a doctor’s appointment. (Крис должен записаться на прием к врачу)
A doctor’s appointment should be made by Chris. (Крисом должна быть сделана запись к врачу)
22 A nurse is taking Annabel’s temperature. (Медсестра измеряет температуру Аннабель)
Annabel’s temperature is being taking by a nurse. (Температура Аннабель измеряется медсестрой)
23 The neighbour’s cat causes her allergy. (Кошка соседа вызвала у нее аллергию)
Her allergy is caused by the neighbour’s cat. (Ее аллергия была вызвана кошкой соседа)
24 The rescuers have carried the victims to safety. (Спасатели вынесли пострадавших в безопасное место)
The victims have been carried to safety by the rescuers. (Пострадавшие были вынесены спасателями в безопасное место)
25 They will build a medical clinic for cancer patients. (Они будут строить клинику для больных раком)
A medical clinic for cancer patients will be built. (Ими будет построена клиника для больных раком)
Решение #
20 The patient was told to take antibiotics by Doctor Smith./The patient was told by Doctor Smith to take antibiotics.
21 A doctor’s appointment should be made by Chris.
22 Annabel’s temperature is being taken by a nurse.
23 Her allergy is caused by the neighbour's cat.
24 The victims have been carried to safety by the rescuers.
25 A medical clinic for cancer patients will be built.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
C Change the sentences from active to passive.
20 Doctor Smith told the patient to take antibiotics.
The patient was told to take antibiotics by Doctor Smith/the patient was told by Doctor Smith to tale antibiotics
21 Chris should make a doctor’s appointment.
A doctor’s appointment should be made by Chris
22 A nurse is taking Annabel’s temperature.
Annabel’s temperature is being taking by a nurse
23 The neighbour’s cat causes her allergy.
Her allergy is caused by the rescuers
24 The rescuers have carried the victims to safety
The victims have been carried to safety by the rescuers
25 They will build a medical clinic for cancer patients.
A medical clinic for cancer patients will be built
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