Упр.A Модуль 4 Test Booklet ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс
A Подчеркните правильное слово.
1 Mike slept on a hard pillow last night, so he has a stiff neck today. (Прошлой ночью Майк спал на жесткой подушке, поэтому сегодня у него затекла шея)
2 Jane’s leg injury was so painful that she had to be taken to hospital. (Травма ноги Джейн был настолько болезненной, что она должна была быть доставлена в больницу)
3 It took several hours for the fire fighters to extinguish the fire in the old factory. (Чтобы потушить пожар на старой фабрике, пожарным потребовалось несколько часов)
4 Tom had to get an x-ray to see if he had fractured his collarbone in the skiing accident. (Тому пришлось сделать рентген, чтобы увидеть, сломал ли он ключицу при катании на лыжах)
5 Maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse. (Мария еще не полностью выздоровела, потому что ее насморк еще не прошел и голос по-прежнему хриплый)
6 I think I've developed an allergic reaction to something I ate; my skin is really itchy. (Я думаю, что у меня развилась аллергическая реакция на что-то, что я съел; у меня очень чешется кожа)
7 After his crippling injury, Joe took the agonising decision to give up professional football for good. (После сильной травмы Джо принял мучительное решение отказаться от профессионального футбола навсегда)
8 Jane’s asthma makes it difficult for her to breathe while she is exercising. (Из-за астмы Джейн трудно дышать во время выполнения упражнений)
9 Sally went on working, despite her splitting headache. (Несмотря на сильную головную боль, Салли продолжала работать)
Решение #
1 stiff
2 painful
3 extinguish
4 fractured
5 hoarse
6 itchy
7 agonising
8 breathe
9 went on
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
A Underline the correct item.
1 Mike slept on a hard pillow last night, so he has a stiff neck today.
2 Jane’s leg injury was so painful that she had to be taken to hospital.
3 It took several hours for the fire fighters to extinguish the fire in the old factory.
4 Tom had to get an x-ray to see if he had fractured his collarbone in the skiing accident.
5 Maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse.
6 I think I've developed an allergic reaction to something I ate; my skin is really itchy.
7 After his crippling injury, Joe took the agonising decision to give up professional football for good.
8 Jane’s asthma makes it difficult for her to breathe while she is exercising.
9 Sally went on working, despite her splitting headache.
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