Упр.D Модуль 2 Test Booklet ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс
D Подчеркните правильное слово.
25 Richard is studying hard for to get good marks in all his exams. (Ричард усердно учится, чтобы получать хорошие оценки по всем экзаменам)
26 Mr Roberts wanted to see Sam with a view to discussing his behaviour in class. (мистер Робертс хотел увидеть Сэма, чтобы обсуждать его поведение в классе)
27 Lily left a note for James so as to remind him about his dentist's appointment. (Лили оставила записку для Джеймса, чтобы напомнить ему о приеме у стоматолога)
28 Ann couldn’t sleep because she was feeling stressed out. (Энн не могла зануть, потому что чувствовала напряжение)
29 Give Nathan your phone number again in case he’s lost it. (Дай Натану свой номер телефона еще раз на случай, если он потеряет его)
30 The test had such difficult questions that nobody could answer them. (В тесте были такие сложные вопросы, что никто не смог ответить на них)
31 Alex came home late due to the fact that his teacher had asked him to stay behind after school. (Алекс вернулся домой поздно из-за того, что учитель попросил его остаться после уроков)
32 Perhaps you could talk to someone about your problem, so that you can get it off your chest. (Возможно, вам стоит поговорить с кем-то о своей проблеме, чтобы облегчить душу)
33 Brian has so many problems that he doesn’t know which to deal with first. (У Брайана столько проблем, что он не знает, за что взяться в первую очередь)
Решение #
25 to get
26 with a view
27 so as
28 because
29 in case
30 such
31 due to
32 so that
33 so
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
D Underline the correct item.
25 Richard is studying hard for to get good marks in all his exams.
26 Mr Roberts wanted to see Sam with a view to discussing his behaviour in class.
27 Lily left a note for James so as to remind him about his dentist's appointment.
28 Ann couldn’t sleep because she was feeling stressed out.
29 Give Nathan your phone number again in case he’s lost it.
30 The test had such difficult questions that nobody could answer them.
31 Alex came home late due to the fact that his teacher had asked him to stay behind after school.
32 Perhaps you could talk to someone about your problem, so that you can get it off your chest.
33 Brian has so many problems that he doesn’t know which to deal with first.
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