Упр.2 Юнит 3 Step 8 ГДЗ Rainbow English 10 класс
2. Посмотрите на список экологических проблем (Список А) и подумайте, как их можно решить (Список В). Вы можете придумать другие варианты решения.
Список А
1) загрязнения воздуха
2) загрязнения воды
3) загрязнения почвы
4) выбросы отходов
5) загрязнение ядерными веществами
6) глобальное потепление
7) уничтожение лесов
8) исчезновение определенных видов растений и животных
9) климатические изменения
10) перерасходы природных ресурсов
Список В
• остановить лесные пожары
• сажать деревья
• остановить выбросы в океан
• побуждать перерабатывать отходы
• разрабатывать альтернативные источники энергии
• создавать больше заповедников
• оберегать вымирающие виды
• издать законы в поддержку защиты воздуха, воды, почвы
• поднять уровень экологической грамотности
• научить людей ценить жизнь
• сократить сжигание угля, нефти и газа
• научить людей экономить воду и другие природные ресурсы
• перестать строить ядерные электростанции
• использовать неэтилированный бензин в машинах и автобусах
• использовать хорошие фильтры на фабриках и заводах
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Афанасьева, Михеева 10 класс, Дрофа:
1 You will hear six people speaking about ecology. Match the statements (a—g) with what the speakers say (1—6). There is one statement you don’t have to use.
a) Ecology is connected with various sciences.
b) The ecology of our planet is getting worse and worse.
c) Research in the field of ecology is focused on humans, other living things and their habitats.
d) Ecology is a science that helps to make the number of extinct creatures fewer.
e) “Cheaper is not always better,” ecologists admit.
f) Ecologists speak about the dramatic results of possible climatic changes.
g) Ecologists have invented new methods of research.
Текст аудирования:
Speaker 1
Ecology is a branch of science which treats the world of nature — including its human component — at certain levels of biological organization. It is the study of the living organisms interacting with each other and with their environment. The focus of attention in ecology is on ecological systems.
Speaker 2
Ecology is a multidisciplinary science. Facts about ecological systems are drawn from biology, geology, chemistry, physics and other sciences. Modern ecology has to deal with environmental problems resulting from human activities.
Speaker 3
Ecologists also think about the natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment. If certain species of animals begin to go down in numbers, it usually means that their habitats have been destroyed or are being destroyed. Scientists do researches, speak about endangered animals and in the end help to save various species.
Speaker 4
Ecological problems are becoming more and more serious with every year. Pollution is one of them. The environment cannot clean itself because millions and millions of tons of waste get into our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans, into the soil; and toxic gases get into the atmosphere, poisoning it. Thus there is too much toxic waste in the world. If nothing changes, the planet will die.
Speaker 5
Ecologists say that some pollution happens by accident. Chemical factories, nuclear power stations can go wrong and then you can often do nothing. Everything around such places becomes polluted with radiation and it will take a lot of time to make the area clean and safe again. Unfortunately, some people in different countries destroy ecology of the planet by polluting it on purpose. They understand how dangerous it is but still pollute the air, the water and the soil because it is less expensive to dump toxic waste than buy some modern equipment and safely recycle the waste.
Speaker 6
Ecology and the process of global warming are also connected. Nowadays the climate has become much warmer in all parts of the world. If the weather gets warmer and warmer, the ice caps in the Arctic in the north and in Antarctica in the south will melt. The waters of the oceans will go up and many millions of people will lose their homes.
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