Упр.20 Unit 3 ГДЗ English Михеева 11 класс

20. Дополните предложения с пропущенными предлогами about, across, against, at, by, for, from, in (2), on (3), где необходимо.
1. The general’s confidence in his army proved misplaced.
(Уверенность генерала в его армии оказалась неуместной).
2. He came from a very privileged background. (Он пришел из очень привилегированного рода)
3. She leaned her head against his shoulder. (Она прислонилась головой к его плечу).
4. He grumbled at the way he had been treated. (Он ворчал на то, как его лечили)
5. William Tenn once mused about the possibilities of genetic manipulation. (Уильям Теннесси как-то размышлял о возможностях генетической манипуляции).
6. Mr Ashby tutors me in Maths this term. (Мистер Эшби преподавал математику мне этот семестр)
7. She drowsed in the sun. (Она дремала на солнце)
8. The stone struck me a blow on the head. (Камень ударил меня по голове).
9. The workers decided to strike for higher wages. (Рабочие решили забастовать за повышение заработной платы)
10. The old lady was mounting the steep path with difficulty. (Старушка взбиралась на крутой путь с трудом).
11. We mounted a sustained attack on the government. (Мы установили устойчивую атаку на правительство)
12. She struck Julian across his face. (Она ударила Юлианa по лицу)
13. It suddenly struck me how we could change the situation. (Меня внезапно осенило, как мы могли изменить ситуацию)
14. A frigate was struck by a torpedo. (Фрегат был поражен торпедой)
15. She had a pretty dress on, with white stripes on a dark blue background. (На ней было милое платье, с белыми полосками на темно-голубом фоне).

Решение #

1. in;
2. from;
3. against;
4. at;
5. about;
6. in;
7. in;
8. on;
9. for;
10. —;
11. on;
12. across (in/on);
13. —;
14. by;
15. on
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Михеева, Афанасьева 11 класс, Просвещение:
20. Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions about, across, against, at, by, for, from, in (2 , on (3) where necessary.
1. The general’s confidence _ his army proved misplaced. 2. He came _ a very privileged background. 3. She leaned her head _ his shoulder. 4. He grumbled) the way he had been treated. 5. William Tenn once mused _ the possibilities of genetic manipulation. 6. Mr Ashby tutors me _ Maths this term. 7. She drowsed _ the sun. 8. The stone struck me a blow _ the head. 9. The workers decided to strike _ higher wages. 10. The old lady was mounting _ the steep path with difficulty. 11. We mounted a sustained attack _ the government. 12. She struck Julian _ his face. 13. It suddenly struck _ me how we could change the situation. 14. A frigate was struck _ a torpedo. 15. She had a pretty dress on, with white stripes _ a dark blue background.
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