Упр.Home Юнит 4 Урок 15-16 ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
Летим к звездам!
Подготовьте свой проект. Работайте по данному плану.
1. Выберите работу, которой вы хотели бы заниматься в пятнадцать лет. Выступите с докладом о том, что за работа, и какие обязанности она включает в себя.
2. Объясните, почему вы выбрали именно эту работу.
3. Расскажите, благодаря каким качествам, вы подходите для этой работы, какие качества вам необходимо развивать дальше, и от каких недостатков/слабых сторон вам следует избавиться.
4. У вас есть план действий для достижения вашей мечты? Поделитесь с классом.
5. Поговорите о людях этой профессии или какой-либо другой профессии, которые были источником вдохновения для вас.
6. Выберите цитату или стихотворение (на английском языке или на русском), чтобы воодушевить своих друзей жить своей мечтой.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
Fly to the stars!
Get ready for your project. Work according to this plan.
1. Choose the job you'd like to be doing in fifteen years. Give a presentation about what it's like and what responsibilities it involves.
2. Explain why you have chosen this particular job.
3. Say what qualities make you suitable for this job, what qualities you'll need to develop further, and what faults/weaknesses you'll need to get rid of.
4. Have you got a plan of action for achieving your dream? Share it with the class.
5. Talk about people in this job or any other job that have been a source of inspiration for you.
6. Choose a quotation or a poem (in English or in Russian) to encourage your friends to live their dreams.
1 Listen to your friends' presentations and ask them questions.
2 Choose the most interesting presentation, the best and most realistic plan and the most inspiring quote or poem.
Dear friends!
This is the end of your last school year. We, the authors of this course, have great expectations for you. We hope you'll find the courage, inspiration and strength to find your way in life and be very happy.
Listen to the song and sing along with it.
Worry, worry keeps me awake:
Hurry, hurry, don't make mistakes!
Where will you end up
If you fail to pass the next exam?
And what will happen
If you don't get a place at college then?
But then I say my mantra once again.
I hope I won't be alone,
And my life will go on,
I hope I'll find my only way.
'Cause I've got so much to say.
I'll maybe fly to the stars,
I'll lead the mission to Mars,
Whatever comes, I won't give up my one
and only way!
Choices, choices
Driving me mad.
Little voices
Talk in my head.
Don't try to jump too high,
And you will never ever fall.
Don't bang your head in vain,
You'll never break the iron wall,
But then I find the answer in my soul.
Future, future
Knocks at my door.
You'll be better.
You'll be the first.
It's only up to you
To bring to life your wildest plans.
I know I won't be alone,
And my life will go on,
And I will find my only way.
'Cause I've got so much to say.
And I will fly to the stars,
I'll lead the mission to Mars,
Whatever comes, I won't give up my one and only way!
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