Стр.59 Рабочая тетрадь Модуль 4 ГДЗ Starlight Баранова 8 класс
Знание языков - Модуль 4
1 Выберите правильный вариант.
1 Вы верите в призраков, не так ли?
A aren’t
В do
C don’t
D can’t
2 Лох-несское чудовище было замечено в VI веке.
A a
В the
C -
D an
3 Джо сделал открытие сам.
A itself
В himself
C themselves
D ourselves
4 Если бы Тим не был так напуган, он бы снял привидение на видео.
A will take
В had taken
C took
D would have taken
5 Прошлой ночью в небе были замечены странные огни.
A were spotted
В are being spotted
C have been spotted
D had been spotted
6 В будущем ученые воссоздадут живых динозавров.
A are recreating
В will have been recreating
C are going to recreate
D will recreate
7 Фотографии снежного человека будут показаны на завтрашней пресс-конференции.
A are showing
В were shown
C have been shown
D will be shown
Решение #
1 C
2 B
3 B
4 D
5 A
6 D
7 D
2 Заполните пробелы. Используйте соответствующие формы слова в скобках, когда они даны.
1 Случай наблюдения НЛО, который был засвидетельствован некоторыми туристами прошлой ночью, расследуется.
2 Благодаря помощи фотографа ученые смогли собрать дополнительные свидетельства об этом явлении.
3 Охотник использует ловушки, чтобы ловить животных, которые обитают в лесу.
4 Считается, что йети малоподвижен и ходит как обезьяна.
5 Теду не терпится увидеть выставку динозавров в Музее естественной истории.
Решение #
1 by, being investigated
2 a/the, further
3 to catch, that/which
4 is believed, of
5 to see, the
Преобразования ключевых слов
3 Завершите предложения, используя слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.
1 People say the creature is very dangerous.
(Люди говорят, что это существо очень опасно.)
The creature is said to be very dangerous.
(Существо считается очень опасным.)
2 The photographer took a lot of pictures for the news story.
(Фотограф сделал много снимков для сюжета.)
A lot of pictures were taken by the photographer for the news story.
(Много фотографий было сделано фотографом для нового сюжета.)
3 Experts have looked into the UFO video footage.
(Специалисты просмотрели видеозаписи НЛО.)
The UFO video footage has been investigated by experts.
(Видеозаписи НЛО исследованы экспертами.)
4 Kristy went alone on the ghost walk.
(Кристи пошла одна на прогулку с привидениями.)
Kristy was by herself when she went on the ghost walk.
(Кристи была одна, когда вышла на прогулку с привидениями.)
5 The strange creature was last seen a month ago.
(В последний раз странное существо видели месяц назад.)
The strange creature has not been seen for a month.
(Странное существо не видели месяц.)
6 They don't think he saw a Yeti.
(Они не думают, что он видел йети.)
He is thought not to have seen a Yeti.
(Считается, что он не видел йети.)
7 I myself wrote the ghost story.
(Я сам написал историю о привидениях.)
The ghost story was written by me alone.
(История о привидениях была написана мной одним.)
8 It was too dark to see the creature clearly.
(Было слишком темно, чтобы ясно разглядеть это существо.)
There wasn't enough light to see the creature clearly.
(Не хватало света, чтобы ясно разглядеть существо.)
9 It's a shame they didn't get a picture of the spaceship.
(Жаль, что они не сфотографировали космический корабль.)
If only they had got a picture of the spaceship.
(Если бы они только сфотографировали космический корабль.)
10 I don't want to go into the haunted house.
(Я не хочу идти в дом с привидениями.)
I would prefer not to go into the haunted house.
(Я бы предпочел не входить в дом с привидениями.)
11 Eyewitnesses claim that they have spotted a UFO.
(Очевидцы утверждают, что заметили НЛО.)
A UFO is claimed to have been spotted.
(Утверждается, что был замечен НЛО.)
12 Paul saw the strange lights because his car broke down.
(Поул увидел странные огни, потому что его машина сломалась.)
If Paul's car hadn't broken down, he wouldn't have seen the strange lights.
(Если бы машина Пола не сломалась, он бы не увидел странных огней.)
Решение #
1 is said to be
2 were taken by the
3 has been investigated by
4 by herself when
5 has not been seen for
6 thought not to have seen
7 was written by me
8 wasn't enough light
9 only they had got
10 would prefer not to go
11 is claimed to have been
12 wouldn't have seen
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Дули, Копылова 8 класс, Просвещение:
Language Knowledge – Module 4
1 Choose the correct item.
1 You believe in ghosts, don’t you?
A aren’t
В do
C don’t
D can’t
2 Sightings of the Loch Ness Monster date back to the 6th century.
A a
В the
C -
D an
3 Joe made the discovery himself.
A itself
В himself
C themselves
D ourselves
4 If Tim wasn’t so scared, he would have taken a video of the ghost.
A will take
В had taken
C took
D would have taken
5 Strange lights were spotted in the sky last night.
A were spotted
В are being spotted
C have been spotted
D had been spotted
6 In the future, scientists will recreate living dinosaurs.
A are recreating
В will have been recreating
C are going to recreate
D will recreate
7 The Bigfoot pictures will be shown at tomorrow’s press conference.
A are showing
В were shown
C have been shown
D will be shown
2 Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate forms of the word in brackets when given.
1 The UFO sighting that was witnessed by some tourists last night is being investigated .
2 Thanks to the photographer's help, scientists were able to gather further evidence about the phenomenon.
3 The hunter uses traps to catch animals which live in the forest.
4 It is believed that the Yeti has a lack of mobility and walks like an ape.
5 Ted can't wait to see the Dinosaur exhibition at the Natural History Museum.
Key Word Transformations
3 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.
1 People say the creature is very dangerous.
The creature is said to be very dangerous.
2 The photographer took a lot of pictures for the news story.
A lot of pictures were taken by the photographer for the news story.
3 Experts have looked into the UFO video footage.
The UFO video footage has been investigated by experts.
4 Kristy went alone on the ghost walk.
Kristy was by herself when she went on the ghost walk.
5 The strange creature was last seen a month ago.
The strange creature has not been seen for a month.
6 They don't think he saw a Yeti.
He is thought not to have seen a Yeti.
7 I myself wrote the ghost story.
The ghost story was written by me alone.
8 It was too dark to see the creature clearly.
There wasn't enough light to see the creature clearly.
9 It's a shame they didn't get a picture of the spaceship.
If only they had got a picture of the spaceship.
10 I don't want to go into the haunted house.
I would prefer not to go into the haunted house.
11 Eyewitnesses claim that they have spotted a UFO.
A UFO is claimed to have been spotted.
12 Paul saw the strange lights because his car broke down.
If Paul's car hadn't broken down, he wouldn't have seen the strange lights.
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