Упр.113 Unit 3 ГДЗ Enjoy English 9 класс
113 Послушайте слова и повторите их. Какие из этих слов имеют похожие российские эквиваленты? Какие они?
Решение #
1. cooperation — кооперация
2. violance - жестокость
3. freedom - свобода
4. war - война
5. pluralism — плюрализм
6. exploitation — эксплуатация
7. diversity - разнообразие
8. struggle - борьба, напряжение
9. caring - заботливый
10. fight - бой, борьба, драка
11. equality - равенство
12. trust - доверие
13. prejudice - ущерб, вред
14. conflict—конфликт
15. friendship - дружба
16. militarism — милитаризм
17. democracy — демократия
18. racism — расизм
19. safity - безопасность
20. terrorism — терроризм
21. ethnic - этнический
22. confrontation — конфронтация
23. peace - спокойствие
24. jealousy - ревность
25. solidarity — солидарность
26. anger - злость, гнев
27. dialogue — диалог
28. hostility - враждебность
29. independence - независимость
30. discrimination—дискриминация
31. prevent - предотвращать
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 9 класс, Дрофа:
113 Read and translate the sentences into Russian. Compare the meanings of the words in hold.
He is a very tolerant person. He is intolerant of his daughter. Violence should not he tolerated. The climate here is hot but tolerable. Some people have no religious tolerance. He acted tolerantly toward his children.
Liberty and justice are human rights. Wars are inhuman. Dogs can hear better than humans. Children should be respected as human beings. War is a crime against humanity. I am going to study literature, languages and history at university. I am interested in the humanities.
We should be tolerant of people who are different from us. The French culture differs from the Russian culture. There are many differences between these religions. Can you differentiate between British English and American English? He is indifferent to other people.
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