Стр.135-136 Рабочая тетрадь Key Word Transformations ГДЗ Starlight Баранова 8 класс
Преобразования ключевых слов
Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело такое же значение, как и первое предложение, используя слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.
1 Carol found it difficult at first to drive on the right hand side of the road.
(Кэрол сначала было трудно ехать по правой стороне дороги.)
It took Carol a while to get used to driving on the right hand side of the road.
(Кэрол потребовалось время, чтобы привыкнуть к правой стороне дороги.)
2 The film society has given Carol Berkley an award for her work.
(Общество кино вручило Кэрол Беркли награду за ее работу.)
Carol Berkley has been presented with an award for her work by the film society.
(Кэрол Беркли была награждена премией за свою работу от общества кино.)
3 I don't think he'll manage to get that promotion he wants.
(Я не думаю, что ему удастся получить то повышение, которое он хочет.)
I'm not sure he'll succeed in getting that promotion he wants.
(Я не уверен, что ему удастся получить то повышение, которое он хочет.)
4 You waited too long to get the concert tickets, which is why we don't have them now.
(Вы слишком долго ждали, чтобы получить билеты на концерт, поэтому у нас их сейчас нет.)
If you hadn't waited (for) so long, we would have the concert tickets now.
(Если бы вы не ждали так долго, у нас были бы билеты на концерт сейчас.)
5 Frank prefers reading books to watching TV.
(Фрэнк предпочитает читать книги чем смотреть телевизор.)
Frank would rather read books than watch TV.
(Фрэнк предпочел бы читать книги, чем смотреть телевизор.)
6 The trip was cancelled because of bad weather.
(Поездка была отменена из-за плохой погоды.)
The trip was called off due to bad weather.
(Поездка была отменена из-за плохой погоды.)
7 Sally doesn't intend to leave her job.
(Салли не собирается уходить с работы.)
Sally has no intention of leaving her job.
(Салли не имеет намерения уходить с работы.)
8 This is the best match I've ever seen.
(Это лучший матч, который я когда-либо видел.)
I've never seen a better match than that.
(Я никогда не видел лучшего матча, чем этот.)
9 'What are you doing for Easter, John?' asked Lisa.
(“Что ты делаешь на Пасху, Джон?” спросила Лиза.)
Lisa wanted to know what John was doing for Easter.
(Лиза хотела знать, что Джон делает на Пасху.)
10 I arranged for a courier to deliver your books today.
(Я заказал курьера доставить ваши книги сегодня.)
I'm having your books delivered by a courier today.
(Сегодня курьер доставит мне ваши книги.)
11 It's been three years since I last saw Bea.
(Прошло три года с тех пор, как я в последний раз видел Беа.)
I haven't seen Bea for three years.
(Я не видел Беа три года.)
12 It was wrong of Mr Fearne to shout at you like that.
(Со стороны мистера Фирна было неправильно так на вас кричать.)
Mr Fearne should not have shouted at you like that.
(Мистеру Фирну не следовало так на вас кричать.)
13 Tanya was released from the hospital yesterday.
(Таня вчера была выписана из больницы.)
Tanya was let out of the hospital yesterday.
(Вчера Таню выписали из больницы.)
14 It would be a good idea not to make the dog angry.
(Было бы неплохо не рассердить собаку.)
You had better not make the dog angry.
(Лучше не злите собаку.)
15 Amy doesn't fancy going out for pizza tonight.
(Эми не хочет идти покушать пиццу сегодня вечером.)
Amy would prefer not to go out for pizza tonight.
(Эми предпочла бы сегодня не ходить в пиццерию.)
16 'Whose camera is this?' she demanded angrily.
('Чья это камера?' - сердито спросила она.)
'Who does this camera belong to?' she demanded angrily.
(“Кому принадлежит эта камера?” - сердито спросила она.)
17 I dislike the way you treat the staff.
(Мне не нравится, как вы обращаетесь с персоналом.)
I do not approve of the way you treat the staff.
(Я не одобряю то, как вы обращаетесь с персоналом.)
18 It's a pity Daisy lost my favourite book.
(Жалко, что Дейзи потеряла мою любимую книгу.)
If only Daisy had not lost my favourite book.
(Если бы только Дейзи не потеряла мою любимую книгу.)
19 Your book report should describe the plot very well.
(Ваше сочинение должно очень хорошо описывать сюжет.)
Your book report should include a full description of the plot.
(Ваше сочинение должно включать полное описание сюжета.)
20 They say he bakes the best cakes in Lancashire.
(Говорят, он печет лучшие торты в Ланкашире.)
He is said to bake the best cakes in Lancashire.
(Говорят, что он печет лучшие торты в Ланкашире.)
21 Her doctor advised her to get more exercise.
(Врач посоветовал ей больше заниматься спортом.)
'If I were you I would get more exercise,' advised her doctor.
(“На вашем месте я бы больше занимался спортом”, - посоветовал ее врач.)
22 Please don't put your feet on the table.
(Пожалуйста, не ставьте ноги на стол.)
Would you mind not putting your feet on the table?
(Не могли бы вы не ставить ноги на стол.)
23 This spring's fashions have not changed since last year.
(Мода этой весны не изменилась с прошлого года.)
This spring's fashions are the same as last year's.
(Мода этой весны такая же, как и в прошлом году.)
24 She left university before graduating.
(Она бросила университет до его окончания.)
She dropped out of university before graduating.
(Она бросила университет до его окончания.)
25 The manager believes the team can win the cup.
(Менеджер считает, что команда может выиграть кубок.)
The manager believes the team is capable of winning the cup.
(Менеджер считает, что команда способна выиграть кубок.)
26 The number of unemployed has increased steadily in the past few years.
(Число безработных неуклонно росло в последние несколько лет.)
There has been a steady rise in the number of unemployed in the past few years.
(В последние несколько лет наблюдается устойчивый рост числа безработных.)
27 Peter won't win the race because he is slow.
(Питер не выиграет гонку, потому что он медлителен.)
Peter is too slow to win the race.
(Питер слишком медлителен, чтобы выиграть гонку.)
28 Becky isn't friends with Stacy anymore.
(Бекки больше не дружит со Стейси.)
Becky is no longer friends with Stacy.
(Бекки больше не дружит со Стейси.)
29 That's the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen.
(Это самое великолепное платье, которое я когда-либо видела.)
I've never seen a more gorgeous dress than that.
(Я никогда не видела более великолепного платья, чем это.)
30 Pamela said that she was sorry that she had hurt Bill's feelings.
(Памела сказала, что сожалеет о том, что обидела Билла.)
Pamela apologised for hurting Bill's feelings.
(Памела извинилась за то, что обидела Билла.)
31 The price of the holiday includes three meals a day.
(В стоимость отдыха включено трехразовое питание.)
Three meals a day are included in the price of the holiday.
(Трехразовое питание входит в стоимость отдыха.)
32 You should jump at the opportunity to go to Rome.
(Вы должны ухватиться за возможность поехать в Рим.)
You should take advantage of the opportunity to go to Rome.
(Вам стоит воспользоваться возможностью поехать в Рим.)
33 This bag is the same as that one.
(Эта сумка такая же, как и та.)
There is no difference between the two bags.
(Между двумя сумками нет никакой разницы.)
34 Peter went to the cricket game rather than the cinema.
(Питер пошел на игру крикет, а не в кино.)
Peter went to the cricket game instead of going to the cinema.
(Питер пошел на игру в крикет, вместо того, чтобы пойти в кино.)
35 Listening to very loud music caused him to go deaf.
(Когда он слушал очень громкую музыку, он потерял слух.)
He went deaf as a result of listening to very loud music.
(Он оглох в результате прослушивания очень громкой музыки.)
36 Tony wants you to give him a call this afternoon.
(Тони хочет, чтобы вы позвонили ему сегодня днем.)
Tony wants you to get in touch with him this afternoon.
(Тони хочет, чтобы вы связались с ним сегодня днем.)
37 We haven't been out to dinner in a long time.
(Мы давно не ходили куда-то ужинать.)
It's (been) ages since we went out to dinner.
(Прошло много времени с тех пор, как мы ходили куда-то поужинать.)
38 Ben hasn't been successful as a lawyer.
(Бен не добился успеха как юрист.)
Ben has had no success as a lawyer.
(Бен не имел успеха как юрист.)
39 It isn't very sensible to allow the children to stay up so late
(Не очень разумно позволять детям ложиться спать так поздно.)
We should not allow the children to stay up so late.
(Мы не должны позволять детям ложиться спать так поздно.)
40 Louise booked her ticket online to make sure she got a good seat.
(Луиза забронировала билет онлайн, чтобы убедиться, что ей досталось хорошее место.)
Louise booked her ticket online in order to get a good seat.
(Луиза забронировала билет онлайн, чтобы занять хорошее место.)
41 My grandfather likes to go for a walk every morning.
(Мой дедушка каждое утро любит гулять.)
My grandfather is in the habit of going for a walk every morning.
(Мой дедушка имел обыкновение гулять каждое утро.)
42 Nobody, apart from Chris, had remembered to bring a map for the journey.
(Никто, кроме Криса, не забыл взять с собой карту путешествия.)
Chris was the only one who remembered to bring a map for the journey.
(Крис был единственным, кто не забыл взять с собой карту путешествия.)
43 Paula isn't trying to pass her exams at all.
(Паула вообще не пытается сдать экзамены.)
Paula is making no effort to pass her exams.
(Паула не прилагает усилий чтобы сдать экзамены.)
44 It's too dark to read in here.
(Здесь слишком темно, чтобы читать.)
There's not enough light to read in here.
(Здесь не хватает света, чтобы читать.)
45 I don't want to go into the town centre today.
(Я не хочу сегодня идти в центр города.)
I don't feel like going into the town centre today.
(Я не хочу идти в центр города сегодня.)
46 "I know you've taken cash from the till, Lola," said Mr Reilly.
(“Я знаю, что вы сняли наличные в кассе, Лола,” - сказал мистер Рейли)
Mr Reilly accused Lola of taking cash from the till.
(Рейли обвинил Лолу в том, что она забрала наличные из кассы.)
47 It's been more than five years since I last saw James.
(Прошло больше пяти лет с тех пор, как я в последний раз видел Джеймса.)
I haven't seen James for more than five years.
(Я не видел Джеймса больше пяти лет.)
48 John had never visited an art gallery before.
(Джон никогда раньше не посещал картинную галерею.)
It was the first time (that) John had visited an art gallery.
(Это был первый раз, когда Джон посетил картинную галерею.)
49 Even though Tom can't speak Greek, he is very interested in Greek culture.
(Несмотря на то, что Том не говорит по-гречески, он очень интересуется греческой культурой.)
Despite being unable to speak Greek, Tom is very interested in Greek culture.
(Несмотря на то, что Том не говорит по-гречески, он очень интересуется греческой культурой.)
50 The band decided not to play at the concert at the last moment.
(Группа решила не выступать на концерте в последний момент.)
The band backed out of playing at the concert at the last moment.
(Группа отказалась от выступления на концерте в последний момент.)
Решение #
1 to get used to driving
2 was presented with/has been presented with
3 succeed in getting
4 hadn't waited (for) so
5 would rather read books than
6 called off due
7 no intention of leaving
8 never seen a better
9 wanted to know
10 having your books delivered by
11 haven't seen Bea for
12 should not have shouted
13 let out of
14 had better not make
15 prefer not to go
16 does this camera belong to
17 do not approve of
18 only Daisy had not
19 give/include a full description
20 is said to bake
21 were you I would
22 you mind not putting
23 are the same as
24 dropped out of
25 is capable of winning
26 a steady rise in
27 is too slow to win
28 is no longer friends
29 never seen a more
30 apologised for hurting/having hurt
31 are included in
32 take advantage of
33 is no difference between
34 instead of going to
35 as a result of
36 get in touch with
37 (been) ages since we went
38 has had no success
39 should not allow
40 in order to get
41 in the habit of going
42 the only one who/that remembered
43 is making no effort to
44 not enough light
45 feel like going
46 accused Lola of taking
47 haven't seen James for
48 was the first time (that)
49 being unable to speak
50 backed out of playing at
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Дули, Копылова 8 класс, Просвещение:
Key Word Transformations
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold. Use two to five words.
1 Carol found it difficult at first to drive on the right hand side of the road.
It took Carol a while to get used to driving on the right hand side of the road.
2 The film society has given Carol Berkley an award for her work.
Carol Berkley has been presented with an award for her work by the film society.
3 I don't think he'll manage to get that promotion he wants.
I'm not sure he'll succeed in getting that promotion he wants.
4 You waited too long to get the concert tickets, which is why we don't have them now.
If you hadn't waited (for) so long, we would have the concert tickets now.
5 Frank prefers reading books to watching TV.
Frank would rather read books than watch TV.
6 The trip was cancelled because of bad weather.
The trip was called off due to bad weather.
7 Sally doesn't intend to leave her job.
Sally has no intention of leaving her job.
8 This is the best match I've ever seen.
I've never seen a better match than that.
9 'What are you doing for Easter, John?' asked Lisa.
Lisa wanted to know what John was doing for Easter.
10 I arranged for a courier to deliver your books today.
I'm having your books delivered by a courier today.
11 It's been three years since I last saw Bea.
I haven't seen Bea for three years.
12 It was wrong of Mr Fearne to shout at you like that.
Mr Fearne should not have shouted at you like that.
13 Tanya was released from the hospital yesterday.
Tanya was let out of the hospital yesterday.
14 It would be a good idea not to make the dog angry.
You had better not make the dog angry.
15 Amy doesn't fancy going out for pizza tonight.
Amy would prefer not to go out for pizza tonight.
16 'Whose camera is this?' she demanded angrily.
'Who does this camera belong to?' she demanded angrily.
17 I dislike the way you treat the staff.
I do not approve of the way you treat the staff.
18 It's a pity Daisy lost my favourite book.
If only Daisy had not lost my favourite book.
19 Your book report should describe the plot very well.
Your book report should include a full description of the plot.
20 They say he bakes the best cakes in Lancashire.
He is said to bake the best cakes in Lancashire.
21 Her doctor advised her to get more exercise.
'If I were you I would get more exercise,' advised her doctor.
22 Please don't put your feet on the table.
Would you mind not putting your feet on the table.
23 This spring's fashions have not changed since last year.
This spring's fashions are the same as last year's.
24 She left university before graduating.
She dropped out of university before graduating.
25 The manager believes the team can win the cup.
The manager believes the team is capable of winning the cup.
26 The number of unemployed has increased steadily in the past few years.
There has been a steady rise in the number of unemployed in the past few years.
27 Peter won't win the race because he is slow.
Peter is too slow to win the race.
28 Becky isn't friends with Stacy anymore.
Becky is no longer friends with Stacy.
29 That's the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen.
I've never seen a more gorgeous dress than that.
30 Pamela said that she was sorry that she had hurt Bill's feelings.
Pamela apologised for hurting Bill's feelings.
31 The price of the holiday includes three meals a day.
Three meals a day are included in the price of the holiday.
32 You should jump at the opportunity to go to Rome.
You should take advantage of the opportunity to go to Rome.
33 This bag is the same as that one.
There is no difference between the two bags.
34 Peter went to the cricket game rather than the cinema.
Peter went to the cricket game instead of going to the cinema.
35 Listening to very loud music caused him to go deaf.
He went deaf as a result of listening to very loud music.
36 Tony wants you to give him a call this afternoon.
Tony wants you to get in touch with him this afternoon.
37 We haven't been out to dinner in a long time.
It's (been) ages since we went out to dinner.
38 Ben hasn't been successful as a lawyer.
Ben has had no success as a lawyer.
39 It isn't very sensible to allow the children to stay up so late
We should not allow the children to stay up so late.
40 Louise booked her ticket online to make sure she got a good seat.
Louise booked her ticket online in order to get a good seat.
41 My grandfather likes to go for a walk every morning.
My grandfather is in the habit of going for a walk every morning.
42 Nobody, apart from Chris, had remembered to bring a map for the journey.
Chris was the only one who remembered to bring a map for the journey.
43 Paula isn't trying to pass her exams at all.
Paula is making no effort to pass her exams.
44 It's too dark to read in here.
There's not enough light to read in here.
45 I don't want to go into the town centre today.
I don't feel like going into the town centre today.
46 "I know you've taken cash from the till, Lola," said Mr Reilly.
Mr Reilly accused Lola of taking cash from the till.
47 It's been more than five years since I last saw James.
I haven't seen James for more than five years.
48 John had never visited an art gallery before.
It was the first time (that) John had visited an art gallery.
49 Even though Tom can't speak Greek, he is very interested in Greek culture.
Despite being unable to speak Greek, Tom is very interested in Greek culture.
50 The band decided not to play at the concert at the last moment.
The band backed out of playing at the concert at the last moment.
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