Упр.2 Часть 1d Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Spotlight 8 класс
2 Используйте слова из Упр.1, чтобы описать людей ниже.
Решение #
1 John is a tall, handsome boy of medium build. He has short, dark hair and green eyes. John loves to play sports.
2 Mr. Stevens is an old man who is going slightly bald. He is slim with small, dark eyes and a good-looking face. His interests include reading and painting.
3 Maria is a slim, pretty girl with dark hair and dark eyes. She is short for her age. Maria likes classical music and she plays the cello.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 8 класс, Просвещение:
2 Use the words from Ex.1 to describe the people below.
Популярные решебники 8 класс Все решебники
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