Упр.3 Модуль 6 Culture Corner ГДЗ Spotlight 6 класс

3 Какая самая популярная настольная игра в вашей стране? Сделайте заметки под заголовками, затем поговорите об этом.
• название
• цель
• как играть в нее
• количество игроков

Решение #1

One of the most popular board games is called Imaginarium. The aim of the game is to choose associations for cards and gain points. There can be 3 – 7 players. Each player has 6 cards with different images. A story - teller describes one card with words; other players choose one of their cards using these associations and put them on the table. Then the players should find the storyteller’s card.
Одна из самых популярных настольных игр называется Имажинариум. Цель игры – выбирать ассоциации и набирать очки. Может быть 3-7 игроков. У каждого игрока 6 карт с разными изображениями. Рассказчик описывает одну карту словами, другие игроки выбирают одну из своих карт, используя эти ассоциации, и кладут их на стол. Затем игроки должны найти карту рассказчика.

Решение #2

Name: chess
Aim: to win by trapping your opponent's king
How to play it: white is always first to move and players take turns moving one piece at a time. Each type of piece has its own moves. Etc.
Название: шахматы
Цель: победить, поймав в ловушку короля противника
Как играть: белые всегда ходят первыми, а игроки по очереди передвигаются по одной фигуре за раз. Каждый тип фигуры имеет свои собственные ходы. И т.п.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 6 класс, Просвещение:
3 What is the most popular board game in your country? Make notes under the headings, then talk about it.
• name
• aim
• how to play it
• number of players

Board games
England, 1943.
Anthony Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board. Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success, aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime. In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions. The first player to solve the crime wins.
New York, 1933.
Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles are and comes up with the idea of Scrabble.
In Scrabble players pick seven letter tiles at random and then try to make words using their letters. Players get bonus points for using certain squares on the board and using letters like Q and Z. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

USA, 1984
Charles Darrow invents the Monopolytm board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself!
The aim of the game is too make as much money as possible in order to do that players buy, sell and rent property. One by one the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner. Today Monopolyth is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 million sets in 80 different countries.
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*Цитирирование задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.