Упр.C Модуль 6 Test Booklet ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс

C Перепишите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.
16 "I’m watching a documentary on the SETI programme," Andrew said. ("Я смотрел документальный фильм о программе SETI," сказал Эндрю)
Andrew said (that) he was watching a documentary on the SETI programme. (Эндрю сказал, что он смотрел документальный фильм о программе SETI)
17 "I may get a job with the local TV station," Helen said. ("Я могу получить работу в местной телевизионной станции," сказала Хелен)
Helen said (that) she might get a job with the local TV station. (Хелен сказала что она может получить работу в местной телевизионной станции)
18 "Peter won't like the news at all," he told her. (Питеру не нравятся новости", - сказал он ей)
He told her (that) Peter wouldn’t like the news at all. (Он сказал ей, что Питер не любит новости)
19 "John thinks his neighbour is an alien!" she said to Betty. ("Джон думает, что его сосед - инопланетянин!" сказала Бетти)
She said to Betty (that) John through his neighbour is an alien! (Она сказала Бэтти что Джон думает, что его сосед-инопланетянин!)
20 "Peter lent me a book about UFOs," Sammy said. ("Питер дал мне книгу об НЛО," сказал Сэмми)
Sammy said (that) Peter had lent him a book about UFOs. (Сэмми сказал что Питер одолжил ему книгу об НЛО)
21 "The scandal will be all over the press tomorrow," she told me. («Завтра этот скандал будет во всех СМИ", сказала она мне)
She told me (that) the scandal would all over the press the following/next day. (Она сказала, что завтра этот скандал будет во всех СМИ)

Решение #

16 Andrew said (that) he was watching a documentary on the SETI programme.
17 Helen said (that) she might get a job with the local TV station.
18 He told her (that) Peter wouldn’t like the news at all.
19 She said to Betty (that) John thought his neighbour was an alien.
20 Sammy said (that) Peter had lent him a book about UFOs.
21 She told me (that) the scandal would be all over the press the following/next day.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
C Rewrite the following statements in reported speech.
16 “I’m watching a documentary on the SETI programme,” Andrew said.
Andrew said (that) he was watching a documentary on the SETI programme
17 “I may get a job with the local TV station,” Helen said.
Helen said (that) she might get a job with the local TV station
18 “Peter won't like the news at all," he told her.
he told her (that) Peter wouldn’t) like the news at all
19 “John thinks his neighbour is an alien!" she said to Betty.
she said to Betty (that) John through his neighbour is an alien!
20 “Peter lent me a book about UFOs,” Sammy said.
Sammy said (that) Peter had lent him a book about UFOs
21 ‘The scandal will be all over the press tomorrow,” she told me.
she told me (that)the) scandal would all over the press the following/next day
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