Заключительный тест 1-8 ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс

Выберите правильный ответ.
1 They caught the (C) burglar red-handed as he was carrying the stolen TV out of the house.
(Они поймали грабителя с поличным, когда он нес похищенный из дома телевизор)
2 What I enjoy most about this (B) cosmopolitan city is the fact that I meet people from all corners of the Earth. (Что мне больше всего нравится в этом городе, так это то, что я встречаю людей из всех уголков Земли)
3 He gave me (B) such good advice that it really helped me solve my problem. (Он дал мне такие хорошие советы, что он действительно помог мне решить мою проблему)
4 When (A) was it announced by the coach that the match would be postponed? (Когда было объявлено тренером, что матч будет отложен?)
5 Dylan (C) hasn’t checked out of his hotel yet; you can still call him there. (Дилан не съехал из отеля, вы все еще можете позвонить ему туда)
6 You can’t blame everything (A) on your friends; you must take some of the responsibility, too. (Вы не можете винить во всем ваших друзей; вы тоже должны взять на себя какую-то ответственность)
7 By the time it stopped raining, our basement (B) had already flooded. (К тому времени, когда дождь прекратился, наш подвал уже затопило)
8 The company placed a big advert on the (A) front page of the local newspaper. (Компания разместила большое объявление на первой странице местной газеты)
9 They carried (C) on cheering for some time after their team scored the winning goal. (Они аплодировали в течение некоторого времени после того, как их команда забила победный гол)
10 All that food I ate (A) ought to have filled me up, but I’m still hungry! (Вся еда, которую я съел, наполнила меня (имеется в виду мой желудок), но я все равно остался голоден)
11 The traffic delays are (C) due to the fact that the street lights aren’t working. (Задержки движения вызваны тем, что уличные фонари не работают)
12 A (C) swarm of beautiful butterflies was flying around in our garden. (Рой красивых бабочек летал по нашему саду)
13 Alex can’t repair his computer on his own, so he (A) will have it repaired by a technician. (Алекс не может отремонтировать свой компьютер самостоятельно, поэтому он отремонтирует его у специалиста)
14 Rarely (B) does Alison speak her mind; she's very shy. (Элисон редко высказывает свое мнение, она очень стеснительная)
15 The car is (C) in really bad condition; we’d better take it to a mechanic. (Автомобиль находится в очень плохом состоянии; было бы лучше отвезти его механику)
16 An argument broke out in the queue at the check-in (A) desk when someone tried to cut in. (Спор вспыхнул в очереди на стойке регистрации, когда кто-то пытался пройти без очереди)
17 If I had known your car had broken down, I (A) would have given you a lift to work. (Если бы я знал, что Ваш автомобиль сломался, я бы подвез вас на работу)
18 I can certainly use a break. Cleaning the whole house by myself has certainly done me (C) in! (Я могу взять перерыв. Уборка во всем доме выбила меня из сил)
19 Can you pay some attention, please? I feel like I’m (B) talking to the wall! (Ты не мог бы уделить мне немного внимания, пожалуйста? Мне кажется, что я разговариваю со стеной!)
20 It wasn’t fair of Jeff to talk to Helen like that; he really (B) hurt her feelings. (Разговаривать с Хелен подобным образом неправильно со стороны Джеффа; он действительно обидел ее)
21 What’s come (C) over Olivia; she’s not her usual polite self. (С Оливией что-то случилось, сегодня она не так вежлива, как обычно)
22 I remember (A) taking my mobile phone with me this morning, but now I can’t seem to find it anywhere. (Я помню, что этим утром мой мобильный телефон был рядом со мной, но сейчас я нигде не могу его найти)
23 Harry told us he (B) had never been to the opera before. (Гарри сказал нам, что он никогда раньше не был в опере)
24 Ethan insisted (C) on complaining to the restaurant manager about the poor service. (Этан настоял на том, чтобы пожаловаться менеджеру ресторана на плохой сервис)
25 (B) Biodegradable packaging can solve the problem of landfill waste, because it breaks down naturally. (Биоразлагаемая упаковка может решить проблему свалок отходов, потому что она разлагается естественно)
26 You (C) can’t have seen Will at the Metallica concert! He can’t stand heavy metal music. (Вы не увидите Уилла на концерте Металлики! Он терпеть не может тяжелый рок)
27 His decision to sell the company was so sudden, it was like a (A) bolt out of the blue. (Его решение о продаже компании было так неожиданно; это было как гром среди ясного неба)
28 (A) Perseverance is one of Logan’s most extraordinary characteristics; he never stops trying to achieve whatever he sets his mind to. (Настойчивость является одной из самых необычных сторон Логана; он никогда не прекращает попытки достичь всего, что задумает)
29 I’m surprised you (B) got Lucas to wash the car; he never does it when I tell him! (Я удивлен, что ты смог заставить Лукаса помыть машину; он никогда не делает это, когда я говорю ему!)
30 Did you know that our next-door neighbour has been charged (C) with fraud? (Знаете ли вы, что наш сосед был обвинен в мошенничестве?)
31 I didn’t know mobile phones had video cameras! I suppose you live and (C) learn! ( Я не знал, что в мобильных телефонах есть видеокамеры! Век живи – век учись!)
32 Libby (B) didn’t need to pick up the tickets from the travel agent because they were delivered to her home. (Либби не пришлось забирать билеты из турагентства, потому что они были доставлены к ней домой)
33 Noah tried (A) to take his tea with honey instead of sugar, but didn’t like it very much. (Ной попытался сделать свой чай с медом вместо сахара, но он ему не очень понравился)
34 When Sean lost his parents during a tragic accident, he was placed with a(n) (A) foster family. (когда Шон потерял родителей в результате несчастного случая, он был помещен в приемную семью)
35 Why don’t you talk to the school counsellor? It’ll help you to get things off your (C) chest. (Почему бы вам не поговорить со школьным психологом? Вам станет легче)
36 I don’t have time to go (B) into the details of the plan now; I’ll just give you a general idea. (У меня сейчас нет времени вдаваться в детали плана, я просто дам вам общее представление)
37 Sandra accused Sam (B) of breaking his promise to her. (Сандра обвинила Сэма в том, что он нарушил данное им обещание)
38 Harrison is really dissatisfied (C) with his college course and is thinking of dropping out. (Харрисон очень недовольен своими курсами в колледже и думает об отчислении)
39 Zoe (B) got used to riding her bike to school only after she’d done it for a couple of weeks. (Зоя привыкла ездить в школу на велосипеде только после того, как она делала это пару недель)
40 The weather forecast says we’ll have very (A) strong winds this weekend, so I doubt we’ll be able to go sailing. (Согласно прогнозу погоды, на эти выходные будет очень сильный ветер, поэтому я сомневаюсь, что мы будем в состоянии отправиться в плавание)
41 Mark would never cheat (A) in an exam; he thinks it’s too dishonest. (Марк никогда не списывает на экзамене, он думает, что это слишком нечестно)
42 I’m not five years old, you know. Stop talking (A) down to me! (Ты знаешь, мне не пять лет. Перестань говорить со мной свысока!)
43 The doctor has advised Jim to rest and (B) take it easy for a few days. (Врач посоветовал Джим отдохнуть и расслабиться в течение нескольких дней)
44 Can you believe how (C) arrogant Gabriel is? He’s constantly showing off! (Ты можешь подумать, как Габриэль высокомерна? Она постоянно хвастается!)
45 Why do you keep throwing money down the (A) drain? You should be saving up for your future. (Почему вы продолжаете бросать деньги на ветер? Вы должны копить на будущее)
46 He is said (C) to have quit his job after he’d had a huge fight with his boss. (Он сказал, что бросил свою работу после того, как сильно поругался со своим начальником)
47 Physics (B) wasn’t my favourite subject when I was at school. (Физика не была моим любимым предметом, когда я учился в школе)
48 There’s no point (C) in buying a car when you don’t even have a driving licence! (Нет смысла в покупке автомобиля, когда у вас нет даже водительских прав!)
49 (B) Should you decide to return the item, you will receive a full refund. (Если вы решили вернуть товар, вы получите полный возврат)
50 Martha has been complaining (A) of a nagging pain in her lower back. (Марта жаловалась на тянущую боль в нижней части спины)
51 Evan has got trapped into a (C) vicious circle of borrowing money and then taking out loans to pay off his debts. (Эван увяз в порочном круге заимствования денег; он берет кредиты, чтобы погасить свои долги)
52 Some ancient societies (A) worshipped various animals as gods. (Некоторые древние общества поклонялись различным животным, как богам)
53 Patrick wishes he (B) had more time to devote to his hobbies, but his work keeps him quite busy. (Патрик хочет, чтобы у него было больше времени для занятий своим хобби, но занимает все его время)
54 The house may look run-down, but it should be perfectly fine once they do it (C) up a bit.
55 Lydia left her house at 6:30 am (B) so that she could avoid early morning traffic. (Лидия вышла из дома в 6:30 утра, поэтому ей удалось избежать утреннего движения)
56 Jessica interviewed several people for the post, but (B) none of them made a good impression on her. (Джессика опросил несколько человек для статьи, но ни один из них произвел хорошее впечатление на нее)
57 Evelyn is really feeling (C) under the weather; she’s probably caught that virus going around. (Эвелин действительно нездоровится; она, наверное, подхватила вирус)
58 After years of hard work, Andrew finally succeeded (A) in getting a promotion. (После многих лет напряженной работы, Эндрю, наконец, удалось получить повышение)
59 This month’s issue of the magazine has a special (B) feature on environmental organizations around the world. (В этом выпуске журнала главной темой стали особенности экологических организаций по всему миру)
60 I usually like going to an Indian restaurant for dinner, but tonight I’d prefer (A) to try the new Thai restaurant. (Я обычно люблю ужинать в Индийском ресторане, но сегодня я предпочел бы опробовать новый ресторан тайской кухни)
61 There’s been a large (C) number of complaints regarding the local bus service. (На местную автобусную станцию было большое количество жалоб)
62 That’s the park in (C) which they’re planning to hold the town festival. (Это парк, в котором они планируют провести городской праздник)
63 Jason had a (B) blocked nose and couldn’t breathe very easily. (У Джейсона был заложен нос и ему было не очень легко дышать)
64 With all that pressure Stephen is feeling, no wonder he’s (A) on the point of having a nervous breakdown. (С таким давлением, которое чувствует Стивен, неудивительно, что он оказался на грани нервного срыва)
65 The batteries in the torch were running low, so it was giving out a very weak (C) beam of light. (Батарейки в фонарике были на исходе, поэтому он давал очень слабый луч света)
66 The culprit received a life sentence for all the crimes he had (B) committed. (Преступник получил пожизненное наказание за все преступления, которые он совершил)
67 Owen won’t be joining us for dinner tonight; he’s (C) come down with the flu. (Оуэн не будет ужинать с нами; он слег с гриппом)
68 It’s typical (B) of Tyler to lose his temper when someone disagrees with him! (Потерять самообладание, когда кто-то не согласен с ним, - типично для Тайлера!)
69 Peter couldn’t find his reading glasses, so he asked me where (A) they were. (Питер не мог найти свои очки для чтения, и он спросил меня, где они)
70 Don’t believe a word he tells you! He’s just trying to lead you up the garden (C) path. (Я не верю ни одному слову, что он говорит. Он просто пытается водить вас за нос)
71 Eleanor felt that her consumer rights had been (C) violated and decided to get legal advice on the matter. (Элеонора почувствовала, что ее потребительские права были нарушены, и решила получить юридическую консультацию по данному вопросу)
72 You went to Coburg High School? Well, (B) so did! (Вы учились в школе Кобург? Ну, и я тоже!)
73 It’s time Paul (A) found a house of his own. At 36, he’s too old to be living with his parents. (Пол купил собственный дом. В свои 36 лет он слишком стар, чтобы жить с родителями)
74 Don’t you ever wonder what (B) became of your old high school friends? (Вы никогда не задумывались, что стало с вашими старыми школьными друзьями?)
75 Their new house isn’t bad, but it does need (A) painting. (Их новый дом не плохой, но его нужно покрасить)
76 Would you like to wait for Harry? He should be here in (B) roughly ten minutes. (Вы не хотите подождать Гарри? Он должен быть здесь примерно через десять минут)
77 I’m sure the situation isn’t that bad; you're just getting things out of (C) proportion. (Я уверен, что ситуация не так уж плоха; вы просто делаете из мухи слона)
78 For decades, scientists have been (A) sweeping the skies in search of extraterrestrial life. (В течение многих десятилетий ученые изучали небо в поисках внеземной жизни)
79 Look where you’re going! You (B) are going to fall into that hole in the ground! (Смотри, куда ты идешь! Ты сейчас упадешь в эту дыру в земле!)
80 Emily would like to study at a private college, but she can’t afford the high tuition (A) fees. (Эмили хотела бы учиться в частном колледже, но она не может позволить себе высокие платы за обучение)

Прокомментируйте следующее утверждение.
"Некоторые люди предпочитают делать покупки в крупных супермаркетах. Другие люди любят покупать товары в различных магазинах и на рынках".

Каковы преимущества и недостатки каждого варианта? Используйте конкретные причины и примеры для поддержки вашего ответа.

Решение #

Nowadays, so many options are available to food shoppers that the consumer must make a difficult choice between shopping at large supermarkets or buying from a variety of smaller shops and markets. Clearly, both choices offer benefits and drawbacks.
Perhaps the greatest appeal of shopping at a supermarket is that so many items are to be found under one roof. This convenience saves time for shoppers with busy lives. Another advantage of supermarkets is their competitive prices. But smaller shops offer benefits as well. For example, goods sold by local greengrocers and butchers are often fresher and of a better quality than what is found in supermarkets. Also, by frequenting smaller shops, consumers support their local economy, giving business to independent merchants rather than to large corporations.
But there are also disadvantages to both. Supermarkets are impersonal and provide a hurried, unfriendly atmosphere. Also, it is often difficult for shoppers to find specialty items at a supermarket. And local shops, while offering a pleasant atmosphere, take up more of a shopper’s time. For example, the shopping done in two hours at local shops can be done one hour at a supermarket.
Taking everything into consideration, it seems that consumers must choose depending on what they feel is most important. Those shoppers who value convenience and low prices will naturally prefer supermarkets. But those who wish to support local businesses, and who value familiarity and food quality, will probably remain loyal to a variety of smaller shops.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
Choose the correct item.
1 They caught the (C) burglar red-handed as he was carrying the stolen TV out of the house.
2 What I enjoy most about this (B) cosmopolitan city is the fact that I meet people from all corners of the Earth.
3 He gave me (B) such good advice that it really helped me solve my problem
4 When (A) was it announced by the coach that the match would be postponed?
5 Dylan (C) hasn’t checked out of his hotel yet; you can still call him there.
6 You can’t blame everything (A) on your friends; you must take some of the responsibility, too.
7 By the time it stopped raining, our basement (B) had already flooded
8 The company placed a big advert on the (A) front page of the local newspaper.
9 They carried (C) on cheering for some time after their team scored the winning goal.
10 All that food I ate (A) ought to have filled me up, but I’m still hungry!
11 The traffic delays are (C) due to the fact that the street lights aren’t working.
12 A (C) swarm of beautiful butterflies was flying around in our garden.
13 Alex can’t repair his computer on his own, so he (A) will have it repaired
by a technician.
14 Rarely (B) does Alison speak her mind; she's very shy.
15 The car is (C) in really bad condition; we’d better take it to a mechanic.
16 An argument broke out in the queue at the check-in (A) desk when someone tried to cut in.
17 If I had known your car had broken down, I (A) would have given you a lift to work.
18 I can certainly use a break. Cleaning the whole house by myself has certainly done me (C) in!
19 Can you pay some attention, please? I feel like I’m (B) talking to the wall!
20 It wasn’t fair of Jeff to talk to Helen like that; he really (B) hurt her feelings.
21 What’s come (C) over Olivia; she’s not her usual polite self.
22 I remember (A) taking my mobile phone with me this morning, but now I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
23 Harry told us he (B) had never been to the opera before.
24 Ethan insisted (C) on complaining to the restaurant manager about the poor service.
25 (B) Biodegradable packaging can solve the problem of landfill waste, because it breaks down naturally.
26 You (C) can’t have seen Will at the Metallica concert! He can’t stand heavy metal music.
27 His decision to sell the company was so sudden, it was like a (A) bolt out of the blue.
28 (A) Perseverance is one of Logan’s most extraordinary characteristics; he never stops trying to achieve whatever he sets his mind to.
29 I’m surprised you (B) got Lucas to wash the car; he never does it when I tell him!
30 Did you know that our next-door neighbour has been charged (C) with fraud?
31 I didn’t know mobile phones had video cameras! I suppose you live and (C) learn!
32 Libby (B) didn’t need to pick up the tickets from the travel agent because they were delivered to her home.
33 Noah tried (A) to take his tea with honey instead of sugar, but didn’t like it very much.
34 When Sean lost his parents during a tragic accident, he was placed with a(n) (A) foster family.
35 Why don’t you talk to the school counsellor? It’ll help you to get things off your (C) chest
36 I don’t have time to go (B) into the details of the plan now; I’ll just give you a general idea.
37 Sandra accused Sam (B) of breaking his promise to her.
38 Harrison is really dissatisfied (C) with his college course and is thinking of dropping out.
39 Zoe (B) got used to riding her bike to school only after she’d done it for a couple of weeks.
40 The weather forecast says we’ll have very (A) strong winds this weekend, so I doubt we’ll be able to go sailing.
41 Mark would never cheat) (A) in an exam; he thinks it’s too dishonest.
42 I’m not five years old, you know. Stop talking (A) down to me!
43 The doctor has advised Jim to rest and (B) take it easy for a few days.
44 Can you believe how (C) arrogant Gabriel is? He’s constantly showing off!
45 Why do you keep throwing money down the (A) drain? You should be saving up for your future.
46 He is said (C) to have quit his job after he’d had a huge fight with his boss.
47 Physics (B) wasn’t my favourite subject when I was at school.
48 There’s no point (C) in buying a car when you don’t even have a driving licence!
49 (B) Should you decide to return the item, you will receive a full refund.
50 Martha has been complaining (A) of a nagging pain in her lower back.
51 Evan has got trapped into a (C) vicious circle of borrowing money and then taking out loans to pay off his debts.
52 Some ancient societies (A) worshipped various animals as gods.
53 Patrick wishes he (B) had more time to devote to his hobbies, but his work keeps him quite busy.
54 The house may look run-down, but it should be perfectly fine once they do it (C) up a bit.
55 Lydia left her house at 6:30 am (B) so that she could avoid early morning traffic.
56 Jessica interviewed several people for the post, but (B) none of them made a good impression on her.
57 Evelyn is really feeling (C) under the weather; she’s probably caught that virus going around.
58 After years of hard work, Andrew finally succeeded (A) in getting a promotion.
59 This month’s issue of the magazine has a special (B) feature on environmental organisations around the world.
60 I usually like going to an Indian restaurant for dinner, but tonight I’d prefer (A) to try the new Thai restaurant.
61 There’s been a large (C) number of complaints regarding the local bus service.
62 That’s the park in (C) which they’re planning to hold the town festival.
63 Jason had a (B) blocked nose and couldn’t breathe very easily.
64 With all that pressure Stephen is feeling, no wonder he’s (A) on the point of having a nervous breakdown.
65 The batteries in the torch were running low, so it was giving out a very weak (C) beam of light.
66 The culprit received a life sentence for all the crimes he had (B) committed
67 Owen won’t be joining us for dinner tonight; he’s (C) come down with the flu.
68 It’s typical (B) of Tyler to lose his temper when someone disagrees with him!
69 Peter couldn’t find his reading glasses, so he asked me where (A) they were
70 Don’t believe a word he tells you! He’s just trying to lead you up the garden (C) path
71 Eleanor felt that her consumer rights had been (C) violated and decided to get legal advice on the matter.
72 You went to Coburg High School? Well, (B) so did!
73 It’s time Paul (A) found a house of his own. At 36, he’s too old to be living with his parents.
74 Don’t you ever wonder what (B) became of your old high school friends?
75 Their new house isn’t bad, but it does need (A) painting
76 Would you like to wait for Harry? He should be here in (B) roughly ten minutes.
77 I’m sure the situation isn’t that bad; you're just getting things out of (C) proportion
78 For decades, scientists have been (A) sweeping the skies in search of extraterrestrial life.
79 Look where you’re going! You (B) are going to fall into that hole in the ground!
80 Emily would like to study at a private college, but she can’t afford the high tuition (A) fees
Comment on the following statement.
"Some people prefer to shop at large supermarkets. Other people like to purchase items from various shops and markets."
What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answers.
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением