Промежуточный тест 1-4 ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс

Выберите правильное слово.
1 How did you (B) get Stephen to help you with the housework? (Как ты уговорила Стивена помочь тебе по дому?)
2 This time next week we (C) will be surfing at Sydney's Bondi Beach. (На следующей неделе в это время мы будем заниматься серфингом на пляже Бонди в Сиднее)
3 The local council has decided to go (B) ahead with the construction of a new library. (Местный совет решил приступить к строительству новой библиотеки)
4 Can you please stop complaining? It’s really (A) getting on my nerves! (Пожалуйста, не мог бы ты прекратить жаловаться? Это действует мне на нервы!)
5 The painter’s amazing biography made quite an impression (A) on the art students. (Удивительная биография художника произвела впечатление на студентов, изучающих искусство)
6 Becky’s teeth always start to (B) chatter when she stays out in the cold for too long. (Зубы Бекки всегда начинают стучать, когда она находится на холоде слишком долго)
7 The school (A) whose team reaches the finals will enter the state championship. (Та школа, чья команда выйдет в финал, будет участвовать в чемпионате штата)
8 This house is said (C) to have been built in the 1930s. (Этот дом, как говорят, был построен в 1930 году)
9 Paul (B) hadn’t taught young children before, so he found it quite demanding. (Пауль раньше никогда не учил маленьких детей, поэтому ему кажется, что это очень ответственно)
10 He recommended (B) installing a burglar alarm to protect the house against thieves. (Он рекомендовал установить охранную сигнализацию, чтобы защитить дом от воров)
11 My mother came (B) across a beautiful antique vase at the bazaar. (Моя мама наткнулась на базаре на красивую старинную вазу)
12 Joey always (A) clenches his fists when he’s angry. (Джои всегда сжимает кулаки, когда злится)
13 Frank should see a doctor; that (C) hacking cough of his sounds bad. (Фрэнку следует обратиться к врачу; его кашель очень плохо звучит)
14 Lisa was ashamed (A) of her rude behaviour and apologised to Ben. (Лизе было стыдно за свое грубое поведение и она извинилась перед Беном)
15 The conman spent five years in prison after he was (C) convicted of fraud. (Аферист провел в тюрьме пять лет после того, как он был осужден за мошенничество)
16 Henry never borrows money from anyone because he can’t stand (A) having debts. (Генри никогда ни у кого не занимает деньги, потому что он терпеть не может иметь долги)
17 Take your umbrella with you because it (B) looks like it's going to rain. (Возьмите с собой зонтик, потому что на улице собирается дождь)
18 Since no one could attend the staff meeting, it was put (C) off until the following week. (Так как никто не мог присутствовать на совещании штаба, оно было отложено до следующей недели)
19 Liam is suffering from a back (B) injury and won’t be able to compete in today’s match. (Лиам страдает от травмы спины и не сможет участвовать в сегодняшнем матче)
20 Since there’s nothing you can do about the situation, you’ll just have to (C) grin and bear it. (Так как вы не можете ничего сделать в этой ситуации, вы должны просто смириться с этим)
21 Ron felt a sharp pain in his knee, so he decided to (C) have it checked by a doctor. (Рон почувствовал резкую боль в колене, поэтому решил обратиться к врачу)
22 Maria won’t forget (B) winning first place in the dance competition; it was the best moment in her life! (Мария не забудет то, как она заняла первое место в конкурсе танцев; это был лучший момент в ее жизни!)
23 Nick (A) has been working on the project for hours; I’m sure he’s exhausted. (Ник работал над проектом в течение нескольких часов, я уверен, что он устал)
24 The teacher asked to see Brad (A) with a view to talking about his poor exam results. (Учитель попросил Бреда увидеться с ним, чтобы поговорить о его плохих результатов экзаменов)
25 Tommy has no respect (A) for elderly people; he talks to them as if they were his peers. (Томми не имеет никакого уважения к пожилым людям; он разговаривает с ними, как будто они его сверстники)
26 The police wanted to question James again because they suspected he had kept (C) back important information. (Полиция хотела снова допросить Джеймса, потому что они подозревали, что он утаил важную информацию)
27 Put these batteries in the recycling bin; they’re not (B) rechargeable so we can’t use them again. (Выкиньте эти батарейки в мусорный ящик; они не перезаряжаемые, поэтому мы не сможем использовать их снова)
28 She spent hours looking for her purse, but it (C) had disappeared. (Она долго искал свой кошелек, но он словно исчез)
29 Ian usually has tough deadlines to meet at work, so he (B) is used to working under pressure. (У Яна обычно жесткие сроки встреч на работе, поэтому он привык работать под давлением)
30 Alan wanted to (A) dissuade quit his studies, but his parents managed to him. (Алан хотел бросить учебу, но его родители разубедили его)
31 I’d better see a dentist; I have this toothache that just won’t go (A) away. (Мне было бы лучше обратиться к стоматологу; моя зубная боль не проходит)
32 Emma isn’t a very sociable person, she usually (C) keeps to herself. (Эмма не очень общительный человек, обычно она все держит в себе)
33 Jane wasn’t really hurt in the accident; she just (B) bruised her arm and her leg. (Джейн не пострадала в аварии, она просто ушибла руку и ногу)
34 Clever salesmen often trick people (C) into buying things they don’t really need. (Ловкие продавцы часто пытаются обманывать людей, чтобы они покупали вещи, которые им не очень нужны)
35 If a bully tries to (B) pick a fight with you, the best thing to do is to walk away. (Если хулиган пытается подраться с вами, лучшее, что можно сделать, - это уйти)
36 The parcel (A) will be delivered to you as soon as possible. (Посылка будет доставлена вам как можно скорее)
37 You shouldn’t use Eric’s computer without (C) asking him first. (Тебе нельзя использовать компьютер Эрика, сперва не спросив его)
38 The ferry boat (C) leaves for the island an hour later at weekends. (В выходные дни паром отправляется на остров на час позже)
39 I haven’t seen Nathan since he (C) left the company. (Я не видел Натана с тех пор, как он покинул компанию)
40 It didn’t take Malcolm long to recover from the accident; he was back on his (B) feet in a few days. (Восстановление Малькольма после несчастного случая не займет много времени; он встанет на ноги в течение нескольких дней)
41 Albert’s classmates often pick (B) on him because he has bright red hair. (Одноклассники Альберта часто дразнят его, потому что у него яркие красные волосы)
42 The increase in greenhouse gases (C) sауs bad news for the future of our planet.
(Увеличение парниковых газов оказывает отрицательное воздействие для будущего нашей планеты)
43 Take your keys with you (A) in case I’m not home when you return this evening. (Возьмите ключи с собой на случай, если меня не будет дома, когда вы вернетесь сегодня вечером)
44 It was (B) such terrible weather that there were hardly any people out in the streets. (Была такая ужасная погода, что на улицах почти не было людей)
45 It (C) is said by people in the office that Jacob was caught red-handed stealing the money. (В офисе поговаривают, что Яков был пойман на краже денег с поличным)
46 I can’t wait (C) to tell Matthew the good news! (Не терпится рассказать Матфею хорошие новости!)
47 Be careful with that sharp knife! You (B) are going to cut yourself. (Будь осторожен с острым ножом! Ты сейчас порежешься)
48 Bill won’t be attending the conference (A) because he’s out of town. (Билл не будет присутствовать на конференции, потому что он уехал из города)
49 A hidden camera inside the bank enabled the police to (C) identify the criminals. (Скрытая камера внутри банка позволила полиции идентифицировать преступников)
50 The students are looking forward (C) to taking part in tree-planting day. (Студенты с нетерпением ожидают участия на дне посадки деревьев)
51 As a child, Debbie (A) stammered a lot, but now she speaks quite clearly. В детстве Дебби много запиналась, но сейчас она говорит достаточно четко)
52 The fire fighters spent six hours trying to (B) extinguish the fire in the factory. (Пожарные потратили шесть часов, пытаясь потушить пожар на заводе)
53 William thinks he is the black (A) sheep of his family because he’s the only one without a university degree. (Уильям считает себя белой вороной в своей семье, потому что он единственный без высшего образования)
54 David never stops boasting (C) about his high marks; it’s so annoying! (Дэвид никогда не перестает хвастаться своими высокими оценками; это так раздражает!)
55 The mountaineers (C) will have reached the summit by late afternoon. (Альпинисты достигли вершины к концу дня)
56 When my brother and I argue, our parents (B) refuse to take sides. (Когда мы с братом спорим, родители отказываются принимать чью-либо сторону)
57 There is a great need to (C) set up a recycling centre in our area. (В нашем районе есть большая потребность в создании центра утилизации)
58 We’d better get on the bus now; it’s (B) about to leave. (Нам лучше сесть в автобус, он сейчас уедет)
59 Their wedding invitation came as a surprise; we didn’t even know they were (A) engaged! (Их свадебное приглашение стало неожиданностью, мы даже не знали, что они были помолвлены!)
60 We never expected that Celia would move to the country. Her decision was out of the (A) blue. (Мы не ожидали, что Силия захочет путешествовать по стране. Ее решение было неожиданностью)
61 Do you know the names of the people who were involved (C) in this project? (Вы знаете имена людей, которые были вовлечены в этот проект?)
62 Cynthia (B) used to like living in the city centre, but now she’s grown tired of it. (Синтии нравилось жить в центре, но сейчас она устала от этого)
63 Teens often find it difficult to (B) resist peer pressure, as they want to fit in with their friends. (Подросткам часто трудно противостоять давлению сверстников, потому что они хотят быть такими же, как их друзья)
64 Why (C) are you smelling the cheese? Has it gone off? (Почему вы нюхаете сыр? Он испортился?)
65 I saw Oliver yesterday, but he (A) was running to catch the bus, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him. (Я вчера видела Оливера, но он бежал, чтобы успеть на автобус, поэтому у меня не было возможности поговорить с ним)
66 Charlotte had to (A) face many difficulties in her new job, but she managed to handle them successfully. (Шарлотте пришлось столкнуться со многими трудностями в своей новой работе, но ей удалось успешно справиться с ними)
67 It was (B) such bad book that I never finished reading it. (Это был такая плохая книга, что я никогда не дочитаю ее)
68 The men who (C) robbed the jewellery shop got away with ?100,000 worth of jewellery. (Мужчин, которые ограбили ювелирный магазин украли ювелирные изделия на сумму ?100 000)
69 Charles tried to move his broken leg, but felt a(n) (B) excruciating pain as soon as he did so. (Чарльз пытался пошевелить сломанной ногой, но почувствовал невыносимую боль, как только он сделал это)
70 The museum doesn’t let visitors (A) photograph the exhibits. (Музей не позволяет посетителям фотографировать экспонаты)
71 Have you decided whether to buy this car, or are you still in two (C) minds about it? (Вы уже решили, стоит ли покупать этот автомобиль, или вы все еще сомневаетесь?)
72 Who is responsible (A) for organising the school’s music festival? (Кто несет ответственность за организацию школьного фестиваля?)
73 I feel a bit (C) dizzy; do you mind if I sit down for a while? (У меня закружилась голова; Вы не возражаете, если я присяду ненадолго?)
74 You won’t find Adam in his office this week. He (B) is working from home, so you can call him there. (Вы не найдете Адама в офисе на этой неделе. Он работает дома, поэтому вы можете позвонить ему туда)
75 I know you haven’t received the email yet, but don’t worry, it (C) will be sent tonight. (Я знаю, что ты не получил электронное письмо, но не волнуйся, оно будет отправлено сегодня)
76 (B) Since I hadn’t kept the receipt, I couldn’t return the broken MP3 player. (Так как я не сохранил чек, я не смог вернуть сломанный MP3-плеер)
77 Chloe was jogging in the park, but she stopped (B) to take some rest for a few minutes. (Хлоя бегала в парке, но она остановилась, чтобы передохнуть несколько минут)
78 Whenever Laura doesn’t know the answer to a question, she just (A) shrugs her shoulders and says nothing. (Когда Лаура не знает ответа на вопрос, она только пожимает плечами и молчит)
79 When Sarah’s sister is born, Sarah won’t be a(n) (C) only child any more! (Когда родится сестра Сары, она больше не будет единственным ребенком!)
80 You can tell by his surname that Mr Hoffmann is of German (A) origin. (По его фамилии вы можете сказать, что господин Гофман немецкого происхождения)


Прокомментируйте следующее заявление.
"Студенты должны учиться рядом с домом и жить со своей семьей в целях экономии средств".
Каково Ваше мнение? Вы бы выбрали жить дома во время учебы? Напишите 200-250 слов.

Решение #

Today, with rising living expenses and the high cost of education, more and more students are choosing to study close to home and live with their families in order to save money. This is a practical choice, but are these students missing out on valuable life lessons by not leaving the safety of home?
In my view, living away from home is an important part of the university experience, perhaps just as important as actual studies. For instance, students who must adapt to an unfamiliar environment acquire useful social and domestic skills. In addition, the challenge of living alone can help young people to develop a more independent and responsible character by teaching them to rely on themselves.
On the other hand, it could be argued that students can gain these skills and qualities without leaving home. Furthermore, many families simply cannot afford the costs involved in supporting a child who studies away from home, and many students are unable to take on these expenses themselves.
All things considered, students who have the option of studying in another city or country, but who choose to remain with their families during their student years, are probably missing out on valuable character-forming experiences. Of course, not everyone has the resources to leave home at an early age. But if the opportunity presents itself, why pass up the chance to learn lessons from real life?
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
Choose the correct item.
1 How did you (B) get Stephen to help you with the housework?
2 This time next week we (C) will be surfing at Sydney's Bondi Beach.
3 The local council has decided to go (B) ahead with the construction of a new library.
4 Can you please stop complaining? It’s really (A) getting on my nerves!
5 The painter’s amazing biography made quite an impression (A) on the art students.
6 Becky’s teeth always start to (B) chatter when she stays out in the cold for too long.
A shiver B chatter C mutter
7 The school (A) whose team reaches the finals will enter the state championship.
8 This house is said (C) to have been built in the 1930s.
9 Paul (B) hadn’t taught young children before, so he found it quite demanding.
10 He recommended (B) installing a burglar alarm to protect the house against thieves.
11 My mother came (B) across a beautiful antique vase at the bazaar.
12 Joey always (A) clenches his fists when he’s angry.
13 Frank should see a doctor; that (C) hacking cough of his sounds bad.
14 Lisa was ashamed (A) of her rude behaviour and apologised to Ben.
15 The conman spent five years in prison after he was (C) convicted of fraud.
16 Henry never borrows money from anyone because he can’t stand (A) having debts.
17 Take your umbrella with you because it (B) looks like it's going to rain.
18 Since no one could attend the staff meeting, it was put (C) off until the following week.
19 Liam is suffering from a back (B) injury and won’t be able to compete in today’s match.
20 Since there’s nothing you can do about the situation, you’ll just have to (C) grin and bear it.
21 Ron felt a sharp pain in his knee, so he decided to (C) have it checked by a doctor.
22 Maria won’t forget (B) winning first place in the dance competition; it was the best moment in her life!
23 Nick (A) has been working on the project for hours; I’m sure he’s exhausted.
24 The teacher asked to see Brad (A) with a view to talking about his poor exam results.
25 Tommy has no respect (A) for elderly people; he talks to them as if they were his peers.
26 The police wanted to question James again because they suspected he had kept (C) back important information.
27 Put these batteries in the recycling bin; they’re not (B) rechargeable so we can’t use them again.
28 She spent hours looking for her purse, but it (C) had disappeared
29 Ian usually has tough deadlines to meet at work, so he (B) is used to working under pressure.
30 Alan wanted to (A) dissuade quit his studies, but his parents managed to him.
31 I’d better see a dentist; I have this toothache that just won’t go (A) away
32 Emma isn’t a very sociable person, she usually (C) keeps to herself.
33 Jane wasn’t really hurt in the accident; she just (B) bruised her arm and her leg.
34 Clever salesmen often trick people (C) into buying things they don’t really need.
A with B against C into
35 If a bully tries to (B) pick a fight with you, the best thing to do is to walk away.
36 The parcel (A) will be delivered to you as soon as possible.
37 You shouldn’t use Eric’s computer without (C) asking him first.
38 The ferry boat (C) leaves for the island an hour later at weekends.
39 I haven’t seen Nathan since he (C) left the company.
40 It didn’t take Malcolm long to recover from the accident; he was back on his (B) feet in a few days.
41 Albert’s classmates often pick (B) on him because he has bright red hair.
42 The increase in greenhouse gases (C) spells bad news for the future of our planet.
43 Take your keys with you (A) in case I’m not home when you return this evening.
44 It was (B) such terrible weather that there were hardly any people out in the streets.
45 It (C) is said by people in the office that Jacob was caught red-handed stealing the money.
46 I can’t wait (C) to tell Matthew the good news!
47 Be careful with that sharp knife! You (B) are going to cut yourself.
48 Bill won’t be attending the conference (A) because he’s out of town.
49 A hidden camera inside the bank enabled the police to (C) identify the criminals.
50 The students are looking forward (C) to taking part in tree-planting day.
51 As a child, Debbie (A) stammered a lot, but now she speaks quite clearly.
52 The fire fighters spent six hours trying to (B) extinguish the fire in the factory.
53 William thinks he is the black (A) sheep of his family because he’s the only one without a university degree.
54 David never stops boasting (C) about his high marks; it’s so annoying!
A for B with C about
55 The mountaineers (C) will have reached the summit by late afternoon.
56 When my brother and I argue, our parents (B) refuse to take sides.
57 There is a great need to (C) set up a recycling centre in our area.
58 We’d better get on the bus now; it’s (B) about to leave
59 Their wedding invitation came as a surprise; we didn’t even know they were (A) engaged !
60 We never expected that Celia would move to the country. Her decision was out of the (A) blue
61 Do you know the names of the people who were involved (C) in this project?
62 Cynthia (B) used to like living in the city centre, but now she’s grown tired of it.
63 Teens often find it difficult to (B) resist peer pressure, as they want to fit in with their friends.
64 Why (C) are you smelling the cheese? Has it gone off?
65 I saw Oliver yesterday, but he (A) was running to catch the bus, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him.
66 Charlotte had to (A) face many difficulties in her new job, but she managed to handle them successfully.
67 It was (B) such bad book that I never finished reading it.
68 The men who (C) robbed the jewellery shop got away with ?100,000 worth of jewellery.
A stole B broke C robbed
69 Charles tried to move his broken leg, but felt a(n) (B) excruciating pain as soon as he did so.
70 The museum doesn’t let visitors (A) photograph the exhibits.
71 Have you decided whether to buy this car, or are you still in two (C) minds about it?
72 Who is responsible (A) for organising the school’s music festival?
73 I feel a bit (C) dizzy; do you mind if I sit down for a while?
74 You won’t find Adam in his office this week. He (B) is working from home, so you can call him there.
75 I know you haven’t received the email yet, but don’t worry, it (C) will be sent
76 (B) Since I hadn’t kept the receipt, I couldn’t return the broken MP3 player.
77 Chloe was jogging in the park, but she stopped (B) to take some rest for a few minutes.
78 Whenever Laura doesn’t know the answer to a question, she just (A) shrugs her shoulders and says nothing.
79 When Sarah’s sister is born, Sarah won’t be a(n) (C) only child any more!
80 You can tell by his surname that Mr Hoffmann is of German (A) origin
Comment on the following statement.
"University students should study close to home and live with their family in order to save money."
What is your opinion? Would you choose to live at home while you study? Write 200-250 words.
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением