Вводный тест ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс
Вводный тест
1 I’ll (С) burn keep these songs onto a CD and give you a copy. (Я запишу эти песни на диск и отдам вам копию)
2 Stephen (C) should talk to his teacher if he’s having problems with the assignment. (Стивен сможет поговорить со своим учителем, если у него будут проблемы с заданием)
3 Mum (B) has been looking for her car keys for the last hour, and she still can't find them. (Мама ищет ключи от своей машины в течение часа, и до сих пор не может их найти)
4 Sophia never (B) takes the car for short distances; she prefers walking. (София никогда не использует автомобиль для коротких расстояний; она предпочитает ходить пешком)
5 It doesn’t matter if you lose the game; just do C the best you can. (Не важно, если вы проиграете; просто сделайте все, что в ваших силах)
6 Lydia is thinking of trying a new sport, so she might take (A) up tennis. (Лидия думает о том, чтобы попробовать заняться новым видом спорта, поэтому она может заняться теннисом)
7 Oliver wishes he (B) had left his house earlier; then he wouldn’t be stuck in traffic now. (Оливер хочет выйти из дома пораньше; так он не застрянет в пробке)
8 This meal (B) was prepared by a professional chef. (Это блюдо было приготовлено профессиональным поваром)
9 Feel free to use my dictionary to look (A) up any words you don’t know. (Не стесняйтесь использовать словарь, чтобы посмотреть слова, которые вы не знаете)
10 What did John (A) say to you that you’re so upset? (Что тебе сказал Джон, что ты такой расстроенный?)
11 By the time they got to the theatre, the play (B) had already started. (К тому времени, как они добрались до театра, пьеса уже началась)
12 Andrew spends most of his free time (A) surfing the Net. (Андрей проводит большую часть своего свободного времени в Интернете)
13 Jill is very proud (C) of her son because he got top marks in all his exams. (Джилл очень гордится своим сыном, потому что он получил наивысшие оценки по всем экзаменам)
14 Harry is a very easy-going person and gets (C) on well with everyone in his class. (Гарри очень общительный человек и хорошо ладит со всеми в своем классе)
15 Nathan asked Ian if B he could borrow his car for a few hours. (Натан спросил Яна, мог бы он одолжить ему свой автомобиль на несколько часов)
16 Evelyn is the shortest student in her class, so her classmates are always picking (B) on her. (Эвелин - самая низкая ученица в своем классе, поэтому одноклассники всегда дразнят ее)
17 A simple way to (A) save energy at home is to turn off the lights when you leave a room. (Простой способ сэкономить энергию дома - выключать свет, когда выходишь из комнаты)
18 I’m sorry I took your bag; I mistook it (A) for mine. (Прости, что я взял твою сумку; я принял её за свою)
19 If I (C) were you, I would book a table before going to the new Thai restaurant. (На твоем месте я бы заранее заказал столик перед тем, как пойти в новый тайский ресторан)
20 Do you know what time the next train (B) leaves? (Вы не знаете, когда прибудет следующий поезд?)
21 Lucy has decided (A) to study Law at university. (Люси решила изучать право в университете)
22 Be careful! You (C) are going to fall off the ladder. (Осторожнее! Ты сейчас упадешь с лестницы)
23 The school rules clearly state that we (C) must not leave the school grounds without permission from
a teacher. (Школьные правила четко гласят, что мы не должны покидать территорию школы без разрешения учителя)
24 Julie (B) had been trying to fix her computer for two hours before she decided to call a technician. (Джули в течение двух часов пыталась починить свой компьютер, прежде чем решила вызвать специалиста)
25 Having two jobs had become too exhausting for Daniel, so he gave one of them (A) up. (Работать на двух работах стало слишком утомительным для Даниеля, поэтому он отказался от одной из них)
26 Juan prefers watching English films without reading the Spanish (B) subtitles, so that he can practise
his English. (Хуан предпочитает смотреть фильмы на английском, не читая испанские субтитры, чтобы практиковаться в английском языке)
27 Where (C) did you go on holiday last summer? (Куда вы ездили отдыхать прошлым летом?)
28 Helen said she (C) would be leaving in two weeks’ time. (Хелен сказала, что уедет в течение двух недель)
29 Will you drive me to the airport if you (B) have enough time tomorrow? (Вы отвезете меня завтра в аэропорт, если у вас будет достаточно времени?)
30 The visitors (A) will be taken on a tour of the city's major sights. (Посетителям проведут экскурсию по основным достопримечательностям города)
31 George (A) is having trouble with his car these days, so he uses the bus to go to work. (У Джорджа возникли проблемы с автомобилем, поэтому он использует автобус, чтобы добираться до работы)
32 Alan likes extreme sports, but I wouldn’t say he’s crazy (A) about them. (Алан любит экстремальные виды спорта, но я бы не сказал, что он помешан на них)
33 Don’t worry, the painters (B) will have finished painting your house by the time you’re ready to move
in. (Не волнуйся, к тому времени, когда ты будешь готов въехать, художники закончат разрисовывать твой дом)
34 David can’t speak to you right now; he’s (C) on the phone, talking to his mother. (Давид не может сейчас поговорить с вами; он разговаривает по телефону со своей матерью)
35 Can you believe it started raining while we (C) were swimming in the sea? (Когда мы купались в море, начался дождь, ты можешь в это поверить?)
36 If Martha (B) had apologised to Jenny, she would have forgiven her. (Если бы Марта извинилась перед Дженни, она простила бы ее)
37 I heard this (A) catchy tune on the radio this morning, and I’ve been humming it all day. (Я слышал эту песню по радио сегодня утром, и я напеваю ее весь день)
38 I’m so glad I ran (C) into Joshua the other day; I hadn’t seen him for ages! (Я был так рад, что прибежал к Джошуа на следующий день; я не видел его целую вечность!)
39 Can you turn that music down? It’s really starting to get on my (B) nerves! (Не могли бы вы сделать музыку потише? Это начинает действовать мне на нервы!)
40 Julie (A) can’t play the guitar very well yet; she’s only had four lessons. (Джули еще не так хорошо умеет играть на гитаре; у нее было только четыре урока)
41 Can we have something to eat, please? My tummy is (B) rumbling. (Мы можем что-нибудь поесть? У меня урчит животик)
42 Leslie and Susan (C) haven’t arrived yet. Should we leave without them? (Лесли и Сюзан еще не приехали. Мы можем уйти без них?)
43 John doesn’t let his cat out of the house; he’s afraid it (C) will get lost. (Джон не выпускает свою кошку из дома, он боится, что она потеряется)
44 This time next week we (C) will be enjoying ourselves at a luxurious hotel in Hawaii. (На следующей неделе в это время мы будем веселиться в роскошном отеле на Гавайях)
45 If only my school (A) weren’t been so far from my house! Then I wouldn’t have to get up so
early to get there. (Если только моя школа не была так далеко от дома! Тогда мне бы не пришлось вставать так рано, чтобы добраться туда)
46 Wendy didn't start cleaning up after the party until her last guest (C) had gone. (Венди не начал уборку после вечеринки, пока не ушел последний гость)
47 Mr Williams is the only one of our teachers (C) that tells jokes during the lesson. (Мистер Уильямс является лишь одним из наших учителей, который рассказывает шутки во время урока)
48 Maxwell is thinking of (B) renting a bigger house, as he needs more space. (Максвелл думает о том, чтобы арендовать больший дом, потому что ему нужно больше места)
49 My aunt never misses her favourite daytime soap (B) opera. (Моя тетя никогда не пропускает ее любимый ежедневный сериал)
50 Alex couldn’t find his glasses and he asked me if I knew where (B) they were. (Алекс не мог найти свои очки и спрашивал меня, не знаю ли я, где они)
51 Jane needs to see a doctor because she has been suffering (A) from headaches lately. (Джейн нужно обратиться к врачу, потому что в последнее время она страдает от головной боли)
52 George (A) is said to be the best student in the school. (Джордж сказал, что был лучшим учеником в школе)
53 Don’t use these eggs! They are (A) rotten. (Не используй эти яйца! Они испорчены)
54 Let’s order some dessert. I (B) will have some chocolate cake. (Давайте закажем десерт. Я буду кусочек шоколадного торта)
55 These jeans are too (C) loose. You need a smaller size. (Эти джинсы слишком большие. Тебе нужен размер поменьше)
56 Has Henry found a way to deal (C) with his problem? (Генри нашел способ справиться со своей проблемой?)
57 Garry is so (C) dishonest that very few people trust what he says. (Гарри настолько нечестный, что лишь очень немногие люди доверяют тому, что он говорит)
58 What (C) did Tom say when he heard the good news? (Что сказал Том, когда услышал хорошие новости?)
59 A cold glass of water is more refreshing (A) than a glass of cola. (Стакан холодный воды освежает лучше, чем стакан колы)
60 Tonia is really interested (A) in photography and is planning to take classes. (Тоня действительно интересуется фотографией и планирует посещать занятия)
61 Of all the household (B) chores, ironing is my least favourite. (Из всех домашних обязанностей глажка – моя самая нелюбимая)
62 The children are really looking forward (B) to going on holiday abroad. (Дети с нетерпением ждут поездки на отдых за границу)
63 Lisa hasn’t called me (C) for three weeks. I hope she is alright. (Лиза не звонила мне три недели. Надеюсь, с ней все хорошо)
64 Frank told Jenny (A) to take the dog for a walk, but she didn’t have time. (Фрэнк сказал Дженни выгулять собаку, но у нее не было времени)
65 I (C) am looking for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is? (Я ищу свой МР3 плеер. Ты не знаешь, где он?)
66 Andrew looks (B) up to his older brother and wants to be like him when he grows up. (Андрей уважает своего старшего брата и хочет быть похожим на него, когда вырастет)
67 Some ways to help (A) eliminate waste include buying products with as little packaging as possible
and recycling. (Способы помощи в уменьшении количества отходов включают в себя покупку продуктов с как можно более меньшим количеством упаковки, и утилизацию)
68 The Smiths prefer taking (A) package holidays, because it saves them the trouble of making all the arrangements themselves. (Смиты предпочитают брать отдых по путевке, потому что это освобождает их от необходимости делать все самим)
69 I (C) will have finished the report by Tuesday. Do you want me to email it to you then? (Я закончу доклад ко вторнику. Вы хотите, чтобы тогда я отправил его вам?)
70 Alex isn’t really keen (A) on video games; we’d better get him something else for his birthday. (Алекс не очень увлечен видеоиграми; мы могли бы купить ему на день рождения что-нибудь другое)
71 Evelyn is lucky (B) to have friends who love her so much. (Эвелин повезло с друзьями, которые любят ее так сильно)
72 Little Nathan can’t sleep at someone else’s house unless he (A) takes his own pillow with him. (Маленький Натан не может спать в чужом доме, если он не возьмет с собой свою подушку)
73 People say that the train is the safest form of (B) transport. (Люди говорят, что поезд - самый безопасный вид транспорта)
74 The printer isn’t working because there’s some paper (B) jammed in it. (Принтер не работает, потому в нем замялась бумага)
75 Chris keeps himself fit by taking (A) regular exercise. (Крис держит себя в форме, делая регулярные физические упражнения)
76 Films like Kung Fu Panda and Shrek are more suitable for younger (C) audiences. (Такие фильмы, как Кунг-фу Панда и Шрек больше подходят для молодежной аудитории)
77 The number of animal and plant species that are (C) under threat of extinction is growing every year. (количество видов животных и растений, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения каждым годом растет)
78 Trudy (A) has been working in the garden all day today and her clothes are dirty. (Труди работала в саду весь день и ее одежда грязная)
79 Liam (B) attended the opening of the new art gallery and met many famous artists there. (Лиам принял участие в открытии новой художественной галереи и познакомился там со многими известными художниками)
80 Janet can’t help (C) buying presents for her baby nephew all the time; she absolutely adores him! (Джанет не может помогать все время в покупке подарков для своего маленького племянника; она обожает его!)
Вы получили письмо от вашего английского друга по переписке, Билла, который пишет:
... Я думаю о том, чтобы уехать на волонтерский проект во время моего годичного перерыва. Ты не делал так в прошлом году? Куда именно ты отправился? Я нашел интересный проект в Африке, который нуждается в добровольцах. Я должен буду оплатить свои собственные расходы на проезд и найти жилье, поэтому, в первую очередь, мне придется собрать немного денег. Есть ли у тебя какие-либо предложения о том, где мне стоит их поискать?
Пожалуйста, напиши мне любые идеи. Вот мой новый адрес:
5 Портленд-Сквер, Лондон, W1K 7TN
Напишите Биллу письмо. В своем письме
• ответьте на его вопросы
• задайте 3 вопроса о его волонтерском проекте. Напишите 100-140 слов.
Решение #
Good to hear from you! Of course I’m happy to share whatever tips and advice I can about planning a gap year.
Last year I spent two months in the Brazilian rainforest, working for an environmental organisation. It was a rewarding experience and I’d definitely recommend that you try something similar.
There are many helpful websites for finding cheap accommodation around the world. Also, I know of some programmes that locate jobs for gap year students. But it would help if you told me more. Where exactly in Africa is the project? What sort of work does it involve? Also, have you considered all of the difficulties involved in a project like this? It won’t be all fun, you know.
Write back soon with some detaite of the project, and we can plan it together.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
Вводный тест
1 I’ll (С) burn keep these songs onto a CD and give you a copy.
2 Stephen (C) should talk to his teacher if he’s having problems with the assignment.
3 Mum (B) has been looking for her car keys for the last hour, and she still can't find them.
4 Sophia never (B) takes the car for short distances; she prefers walking.
5 It doesn’t matter if you lose the game; just do C the best you can.
6 Lydia is thinking of trying a new sport, so she might take (A) up tennis.
7 Oliver wishes he (B) had left his house earlier; then he wouldn’t be stuck in traffic now.
8 This meal (B) was prepared by a professional chef.
9 Feel free to use my dictionary to look (A) up any words you don’t know.
10 What did John (A) say to you that you’re so upset?
11 By the time they got to the theatre, the play (B) had already started
12 Andrew spends most of his free time (A) surfing the Net.
13 Jill is very proud (C) of her son because he got top marks in all his exams.
14 Harry is a very easy-going person and gets (C) on well with everyone in his class.
15 Nathan asked Ian if B he could borrow his car for a few hours.
16 Evelyn is the shortest student in her class, so her classmates are always picking (B) on her.
17 A simple way to (A) save energy at home is to turn off the lights when you leave a room.
18 I’m sorry I took your bag; I mistook it (A) for mine.
19 If I (C) were you, I would book a table before going to the new Thai restaurant.
20 Do you know what time the next train (B) leaves?
21 Lucy has decided (A) to study Law at university.
22 Be careful! You (C) are going to fall off the ladder.
23 The school rules clearly state that we (C) must not leave the school grounds without permission from a teacher.
24 Julie (B) had been trying to fix her computer for two hours before she decided to call a technician.
25 Having two jobs had become too exhausting for Daniel, so he gave one of them (A) up
26 Juan prefers watching English films without reading the Spanish (B) subtitles, so that he can practise his English.
27 Where (C) did you go on holiday last summer?
28 Helen said she (C) would be leaving in two weeks’ time.
29 Will you drive me to the airport if you (B) have enough time tomorrow?
30 The visitors (A) will be taken on a tour of the city's major sights.
31 George (A) is having trouble with his car these days, so he uses the bus to go to work.
32 Alan likes extreme sports, but I wouldn’t say he’s crazy (A) about them.
33 Don’t worry, the painters (B) will have finished painting your house by the time you’re ready to move in.
34 David can’t speak to you right now; he’s (C) on the phone, talking to his mother.
35 Can you believe it started raining while we (C) were swimming
in the sea?
36 If Martha (B) had apologised to Jenny, she would have forgiven her.
37 I heard this (A) catchy tune on the radio this morning, and I’ve been humming it all day.
38 I’m so glad I ran (C) into Joshua the other day; I hadn’t seen him for ages!
39 Can you turn that music down? It’s really starting to get on my (B) nerves!
40 Julie (A) can’t play the guitar very well yet; she’s only had four lessons.
41 Can we have something to eat, please? My tummy is (B) rumbling
42 Leslie and Susan (C) haven’t arrived yet. Should we leave without them?
43 John doesn’t let his cat out of the house; he’s afraid it (C) will get lost.
44 This time next week we (C) will be enjoying ourselves at a luxurious hotel in Hawaii.
45 If only my school (A) weren’t B hadn’t been so far from my house! Then I wouldn’t have to get up so early to get there.
46 Wendy didn't start cleaning up after the party until her last guest (C) had gone
47 Mr Williams is the only one of our teachers (C) that tells jokes during the lesson.
48 Maxwell is thinking of (B) renting a bigger house, as he needs more space.
49 My aunt never misses her favourite daytime soap (B) opera
50 Alex couldn’t find his glasses and he asked me if I knew where (B) they were
51 Jane needs to see a doctor because she has been suffering (A) from headaches lately.
52 George (A) is said to be the best student in the school.
53 Don’t use these eggs! They are (A) rotten
54 Let’s order some dessert. I (B) will have some chocolate cake.
55 These jeans are too (C) loose You need a smaller size.
56 Has Henry found a way to deal (C) with his problem?
57 Garry is so (C) dishonest that very few people trust what he says.
58 What (C) did Tom say when he heard the good news?
59 A cold glass of water is more refreshing (A) than a glass of cola.
60 Tonia is really interested (A) in photography and is planning to take classes.
61 Of all the household (B) chores, ironing is my least favourite.
62 The children are really looking forward (B) to going on holiday abroad.
63 Lisa hasn’t called me (C) for three weeks. I hope she is alright.
64 Frank told Jenny (A) to take the dog for a walk, but she didn’t have time.
65 I (C) am looking for my MP3 player. Do you know where it is?
66 Andrew looks (B) up to his older brother and wants to be like him when he grows up.
67 Some ways to help (A) eliminate waste include buying products with as little packaging as possible and recycling.
68 The Smiths prefer taking (A) package holidays, because it saves them the trouble of making all the arrangements themselves.
69 I (C) will have finished the report by Tuesday. Do you want me to email it to you then?
70 Alex isn’t really keen (A) on video games; we’d better get him something else for his birthday.
71 Evelyn is lucky (B) to have friends who love her so much.
72 Little Nathan can’t sleep at someone else’s house unless he (A) takes his own pillow with him.
73 People say that the train is the safest form of (B) transport
74 The printer isn’t working because there’s some paper (B) jammed in it.
75 Chris keeps himself fit by taking (A) regular exercise.
76 Films like Kung Fu Panda and Shrek are more suitable for younger (C) audiences
77 The number of animal and plant species that are (C) under threat of extinction is growing every year.
78 Trudy (A) has been working in the garden all day today and her clothes are dirty.
79 Liam (B) attended the opening of the new art gallery and met many famous artists there.
80 Janet can’t help (C) buying presents for her baby nephew all the time; she absolutely adores him!
You have received a letter form your English-speaking pen-friend Bill who writes:
...I am thinking about going away on a volunteer project for part of my gap year. Didn’t you do this last year? Where did you go exactly? I found an interesting project in Africa that is in need of volunteers. I would have to pay my own travel expenses and find accommodation, so I will have to raise some money first. Do you have any suggestions on where I should look?
Please, write me back with any ideas. Here is my new address:
5 Portland Square, London, W1K 7TN
Write a letter to Bill. In your letter
• answer his questions
• ask 3 questions about his volunteer project Write 100—140 words.
Популярные решебники 11 класс Все решебники
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