Упр.9 Юнит 1 Step 5 ГДЗ Rainbow English 7 класс
9. Закончите предложения названиями предметов.
Решение #
1) We listen to different pieces of music and sometimes sing. The name of the subject is music.
(Мы слушаем разные музыкальные произведения и иногда поем. Название предмета – музыка)
2) We spell Russian words, write dictations, and do exercises. The name of the subject is Russian.
(Мы пишем русские слова, пишем диктанты и делаем упражнения. Название предмета – русский язык)
3) We talk about books and writers. The name of the subject is literature.
(Мы говорим о книгах и писателях. Название предмета – литература)
4) We draw, paint and talk about paintings. The name of the subject is art.
(мы рисуем, красим и говорим о картинах. Название предмета – ИЗО)
5) We look at maps and talk about different countries. The name of the subject is geography.
(Мы смотрим в карты и говорим о разных странах. Название предмета – география)
6) We talk about living things and plants. The name of the subject is biology.
(Мы говорим о живых существах и растениях. Название предмета – биология)
7) We talk about how people lived long ago. The name of the subject is history.
(Мы говорим о том, как люди жили давным-давно. Название предмета – история)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Афанасьева, Михеева 7 класс, Дрофа:
9. Complete the sentences with the names of subjects.
1) We listen to different pieces of music and sometimes sing. The name of the subject is music.
2) We spell Russian words, write dictations, and do exercises. The name of the subject is Russian.
3) We talk about books and writers. The name of the subject is literature.
4) We draw, paint and talk about paintings. The name of the subject is art.
5) We look at maps and talk about different countries. The name of the subject is geography.
6) We talk about living things and plants. The name of the subject is biology.
7) We talk about how people lived long ago. The name of the subject is history.
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