Упр.28 Юнит 3 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Rainbow English 11 класс
28. Потренируйтесь в прочтении английских дат и чисел.
A. Прочитайте и напишите эти даты на британском английском, а затем на американском английском.
1. 7.12.2005
2. 10.1.1709
3. 3.2.1953
4. 11.8.2015
5. 4.9.1980
6. 6.7.1806
7. 1.5.2000
8. 8.11.1900
Решение #
The British way (в британском английском):
1) (the) seventh of December two thousand and five, or twenty oh five;
2) (the) tenth of January seventeen oh nine or seventeen hundred and nine;
3) (the) third of February nineteen fifty three;
4) (the) eleventh of August two thousand and fifteen or twenty fifteen;
5) (the) forth of September nineteen eighty;
6) (the) sixth of July eighteen oh six or eighteen hundred and six;
7) (the) first of May two thousand;
8) (the) eighth of November nineteen hundred.
The American way (в американском английском):
1) (the) twelfth of July...;
2) (the) first of October.;
3) (the) second of March.;
4) (the) eighth of November.;
5) (the) ninth of April.;
6) (the) seventh of June.;
7) (the) fifth of January.;
8) (the) eleventh of August.
В. Прочитайте и/или запишите эти числа.
1. 1/4
2. 4/7
3. 1/2
4. 3.7
5. 0.38
6. 1.73
7. 1,650,101.
8. 3,215
9. 840,672
10. 9,006
11. 7,148,146
12. 17,128
Решение #
1) a quarter (четверть);
2) four sevenths (четыре седьмых);
3) a half (половина);
4) three point seven;
5) nought/zero point three eight;
6) one point seven three;
7) one million six hundred (and) fifty thousand one hundred (and) one;
8) three thousand two hundred (and) fifteen;
9) eight hundred (and) forty thousand six hundred (and) seventy-two;
10) nine thousand (and) six;
11) seven million one hundred (and) forty-eight thousand one hundred (and) forty-six;
12) seventeen thousand one hundred (and) twenty-eight.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Афанасьева, Михеева 11 класс, Дрофа:
28. Practise English dates and numbers.
A. Read and write these dates in British English and then in American English.
1. 7. 12. 2005
2. 10. 1. 1709
3. 3.2.1953
4. 11.8.2015
5. 4.9.1980
6. 6. 7. 1806
7. 1.5.2000
8. 8. 11. 1900
B. Read and/or write these numbers.
1. 1/4
2. 4/7
3. 1/2
4. 3.7
5. 0.38
6. 1.73
7. 1,650,101.
8. 3,215
9. 840,672
10. 9,006
11. 7,148,146
12. 17,128
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