Упр.6 Unit 3 Секция 1 ГДЗ English Михеева 7 класс
6. Прослушайте запись, (54) и повторите.
(the) first (первый)
(the) 2nd second (второй)
(the) 3rd third (третий)
(the) 4th fourth (четвертый)
(the) 5th fifth (пятый)
(the) 6th sixth (шестой)
(the) 7th seventh (седьмой)
(the) 8th eighth (восьмой)
(the) 9th ninth (девятый)
(the) 10th tenth (десятый)
(the) 11th eleventh (одиннадцатый)
(the) 12th twelfth (двенадцатый)
(the) 13th thirteenth (тринадцатый)
(the) 14th fourteenth (четырнадцатый)
(the) 15th fifteenth (пятнадцатый)
(the) 16th sixteenth (шестнадцатый)
(the) 17th seventeenth (семнадцатый)
(the) 18th eighteenth (восемнадцатый)
(the) 19th nineteenth (девятнадцатый)
(the) 20th twentieth (двадцатый)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Афанасьева, Михеева 7 класс, Дрофа:
6. Listen to the tape, (54), and repeat.
(the) first
(the) 2nd second
(the) 3rd third
(the) 4th fourth
(the) 5th fifth
(the) 6th sixth
(the) 7th seventh
(the) 8th eighth
(the) 9th ninth
(the) 10th tenth
(the) 11th eleventh
(the) 12th twelfth
(the) 13th thirteenth
(the) 14th fourteenth
(the) 15th fifteenth
(the) 16th sixteenth
(the) 17th seventeenth
(the) 18th eighteenth
(the) 19th nineteenth
(the) 20th twentieth
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*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением