Упр.7 Unit 2 Секция 4 ГДЗ English Михеева 7 класс
7. Заполните предложения as или than. Проверьте и повторите.
Решение #
1) The Moskva River is shorter than the Volga. (Москва-река короче Волги).
2) Ben is as strong as his brother. (Бен такой же сильный, как и его брат).
3) In summer it is hotter in the south than in the north. (Летом на юге жарче, чем на севере).
4) The film is as interesting as the book. (Фильм так же интересен, как и книга).
5) My car is not as old as your car. (Моя машина не так стара, как ваша машина).
6) The weather in spring is more pleasant than in late autumn. (Погода весной приятнее, чем поздней осенью).
7) The days are longer in summer than in winter. (Дни более продолжительные, чем зимой).
8) The museum is as old as the theatre. (Музей так же стар, как театр).
9) The bedroom is cosier than the living room. (Спальня более уютная, чем гостиная).
10) Leo Tolstoy is as famous in Russia as Alexander Pushkin. (Лев Толстой так же известен в России, как и Александр Пушкин).
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Афанасьева, Михеева 7 класс, Дрофа:
7. Complete the sentences with as or than. Check and repeat.
1) The Moskva River is shorter... the Volga.
2) Ben is... strong as his brother.
3) In summer it is hotter in the south... in the north.
4) The film is... interesting as the book.
5) My car is not... old as your car.
6) The weather in spring is more pleasant... in late autumn.
7) The days are longer in summer... in winter.
8) The museum is as old... the theatre.
9) The bedroom is cosier... the living-room.
10) Leo Tolstoy is... famous in Russia as Alexander Pushkin.
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