Упр.2 Юнит 3 Урок 3 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 5 класс
2. Все дети из класса Пола хотят принять участие в концерте. Что ребята могут хорошо делать? Как долго они это делают? Соедини предложения.
John and Cecile can sing really well. (Джон и Сесиль могут хорошо петь)
Jack can do tricks. (Джек может делать трюки)
Andy and Daniel are talented painters. (Энди и Дэниэл талантливые художники)
Lee can play the guitar. (Ли умеет играть на гитаре)
Polly can dance really well. (Полли может хорошо танцевать)
Paul can ride a horse well. (Пол умеет хорошо ездить верхом на лошади)
He has taken part in different competitions since he was 7. (Он принимал участие в разных мероприятиях с семи лет)
He has done tricks since he was 9. (Он делает трюки с девяти лет)
She has danced for many years. (Она танцует многие годы)
They have sung in the choir for six years. (Они поют в хоре 6 лет)
They have painted since they were 3. (Они рисуют с трех лет)
He has played the guitar for a year. (Он играет на гитаре год)
Решение #
John and Cecile can sing really well. They have sung in the choir for six years. (Джон и Сесиль могут хорошо петь. Они поют в хоре 6 лет)
Jack can do tricks. He has done tricks since he was 9. (Джек может делать трюки. Он делает трюки с девяти лет)
Andy and Daniel are talented painters. They have painted since they were 3. (Энди и Дэниэл талантливые художники. Они рисуют с трех лет)
Lee can play the guitar. He has played the guitar for a year. (Ли умеет играть на гитаре. Он играет на гитаре год)
Polly can dance really well. She has danced for many years. (Полли может хорошо танцевать. Она танцует многие годы)
Paul can ride a horse well. He has taken part in different competitions since he was 7. (Пол умеет хорошо ездить верхом на лошади. Он принимал участие в разных мероприятиях с семи лет)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова 5 класс, Просвещение:
2. All the children from Paul’s class want to take part in the concert, What can the children do well? How long have they done it? Match the sentences.
John and Cecile can sing really well.
Jack can do tricks.
Andy and Daniel are talented painters.
Lee can play the guitar.1 Polly can dance really well. Paul can ride a horse well.
He has taken part in different competitions since he was 7.
He has done tricks since he was 9.
She has danced for many years.
They have sung in the choir2 for six years.
They have painted since they were 3.
He has played the guitar for a year.
Популярные решебники 5 класс Все решебники
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