Упр.3 Юнит 1 Урок 3 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 10-11 класс
3. Американские штаты получили свои названия разными способами.
Спросите своего партнера, знает ли он ответы на следующие вопросы. Измените вопросы в более вежливую форму.
Студент 1:
Каково прозвище штата Мэн?
Как люди называют Нью-гемпшир?
Почему Южную Каролину называют «штат Пальм»?
Почему Виржинию называют «Матерью политиков»?
Студент 2:
Почему у Виржинии так много названий?
Почему Флориду назвали «Земля цветов»?
Какой штат назвали «зеленая гора»?
Из-за каких гор Западную Виржинию назвали «Горный штат»?
Решение #
Student 1
— Could you tell me what the nickname of the State of Maine is? (The nickname of the State of Maine is the «Pine-Tree State»)
— Do you know how people call New Hampshire? (People call New Hampshire the «Granite State».)
— Could you tell me why South Carolina is called the «Palmetto State»? (South Carolina is called the «Palmetto State» because the palmetto grows abundantly in South Carolina.)
— Do you know why Virginia was called the «Mother of Statesmen»? (Virginia was called the «Mother of Statesmen» because many statesmen were native Virginians.)
Student 2
— Could you tell me why Virginia has so many nicknames? (Virginia has so many nicknames because it was the oldest British colony, because it is the most northern of the South Atlantic States and because it produced many statesmen and presidents)
— Do you know why Florida was called the «Land of Flowers»? (Florida was called the «Land of Flowers» because Ponce de Leon, who discovered Florida saw the region covered with flowers)
— Could you tell me what state is called the «Green Mountain State»? (Vermont is called the «Green Mountain State»)
— Do you know because of what mountains West Virginia was called the «Mountain State»? (West Virginia was called the «Mountain State» because of the Allegheny Mountains)
Вы знаете ответы на вопросы ниже? Если необходимо, проконсультируйтесь со справочником.
Решение #
- В названии какого штата есть дерево? (The State of Maine has the name of the tree. Maine is the «Pine-Tree State».)
- Какие названия у Флориды? (Florida is called the «Land of Flowers», the «Alligator State», the «Everglade State», the «Mocking-Bird State» and the «Orange State».)
- Когда была открыта Флорида? (Florida was discovered in 1512)
- Какой штат назвали в честь королевы Англии? (Virginia is named after the Queen of England.)
- Как Пенсильвания получила свое название? (Pennsylvania got its nickname the «Coal State» because there is much coal in Pennsylvania)
Pennsylvania got its nickname the «Keystone State» because of Pennsylvania’s role in the War of Independence. Pennsylvania got its nickname the «Oil State» because there is much oil in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania got its nickname the «Quaker State» because W. Penn was a member of the Society of Quackers. Pennsylvania got its nickname the «Steel State» because there is much steel in Pennsylvania,
- Как Мэн получил свое название? (The State of Maine got its nickname the «Pine-Tree State» because four-fifth of the state is covered by forests.)
- Чем известен Вермонт? (It is famous for its green mountains)
- Какой штат назван в честь известного человека? (Pennsylvania was named agter а famous persom, Willaim Penn who was the founder of the colony.)
- Какие штаты получили свои названия от того, как они выглядят? (Phode Island is called «Little Rhody» because it is the nation’s smallest state. West Virginia has the nickname the «Panhandle State» because the shape of the state is like a pan with a handle on it.)
Косвенные вопросы
B обоих предложениях вторая часть имеет прямой порядок слов.
Он хочет знать, как Мэн получила свое название (косвенный вопрос)
Не мог бы ты сказать мне, как Мэн получила свое название, пожалуйста?
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кузовлев 10-11 класс, Просвещение:
3. The American states got their nicknames in a variety of different ways.
Ask your partner if he or she knows the answers to the following questions. T4^ Change the questions to a more polite form.
Student 1:
What is the nickname of the State of Maine?
How do people call New Hampshire?
Why was South Carolina nicknamed the 'Palmetto State'?
Why was Virginia called the 'Mother of Statesmen'?
Student 2:
Why does Virginia have so many nicknames?
Why was Florida called the 'Land of Flowers'?
What state is called the 'Green Mountain State'?
Because of what mountains was West Virginia called the 'Mountain State'?
Do you know the answers to the questions below? If necessary, consult the LCG.
What state has the name of a tree?
What are Florida’s nicknames?
When was Florida discovered?
What state is named after the Queen of England?
How did Pennsylvania get its nickname?
How did Maine get its nickname?
What is Vermont famous for?
What state was named after a famous person?
What states got their names after the way they look?
Student 1: Do you know how Maine got its nickname?
Student 2: Yes (no), I (don't) know how Maine got its nickname.
Student 1: Could you (anyone) tell me how Maine got its nickname, please?
Student 2 (3): ...
Reported and indirect questions
B обоих предложениях вторая часть имеет прямой порядок слов. He wants to know how Maine got its nickname, (а reported question)
Could you tell me how Maine got its nickname, please? (an indirect question)
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