Стр.9 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Комарова Ларионова 8 класс
Грамматика 2
be: past simple and there was/there were
1 Расставьте слова по порядку, чтобы составить предложения с was/were, there was/there were.
Возникла проблема с машиной.
Решение #
1 There were hundreds of people at the concert. (На концерте присутствовали сотни людей.)
2 He was a famous explorer. (Он был знаменитым исследователем.)
3 Was he in Minority Report? (Был ли он в отчете меньшинства?)
4 There wasn't a bookshop in the village. (В деревне не было ни одного книжного магазина.)
5 There weren't any medicines in those days. (В те дни не было никаких лекарств.)
6 Were there computers in your primary school? (Были ли компьютеры в вашей начальной школе?)
7 They were the winning team. (Они были командой-победительницей.)
2 Перепишите предложения в Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple) с утвердительной или отрицательной формой was/were, there was/there were.
На этой улице есть кинотеатр.
На этой улице был кинотеатр.
1 Мы дома.
2 В парке много людей.
3 Сегодня не очень солнечно.
4 Здесь нет никаких яиц.
5 Есть ли прямой поезд до колледжа?
6 Интересуется ли он футболом?
Решение #
1 We were at home. (Мы были дома.)
2 There were a lot of people in the park. (В парке было много людей.)
3 It wasn't very sunny. (Было не очень солнечно.)
4 There weren't any eggs. (Там не было никаких яиц.)
5 Was there a direct train to the college? (Был ли прямой поезд до колледжа?)
6 Was he interested in football? (Интересовался ли он футболом?)
3 Напишите предложения в прошлом с помощью was/were, there was/there were.
На этой улице был кинотеатр. Это был последний кинотеатр в городе.
Решение #
1 There were thousands of people at the match. They were Liverpool supporters.
(На матче присутствовали тысячи людей. Они были болельщиками Ливерпуля.)
2 There were a lot of magazines in the shop. It was a bookshop.
(В магазине было много журналов. Это был книжный магазин.)
3 There was no meat on the menu. It was a vegetarian restaurant.
(В меню не было мяса. Это был вегетарианский ресторан.)
4 There were two hundred children at the picnic. They were hungry and thirsty.
(На пикнике было двести детей. Они были голодны и хотели пить.)
5 There was a mistake on that page. It was a spelling mistake.
(На этой странице была ошибка. Это была орфографическая ошибка.)
4 Дополните текст, используя was/were, there was/there were.
Это фотография моего города тридцатилетней давности. (1) На Хай-стрит было много магазинов. Они (2) были открыты с 9 до 5. (3) Там же была библиотека. Иногда он (4) был открыт допоздна. (5) Там было так много книг! На углу моей улицы (6) была кондитерская. Это (7) был маленький магазинчик, но внутри (8) были сотни банок со сладостями и шоколадными конфетами. Это (9) был мой любимый магазин! (10) В моем городе было много машин, поэтому (11) было много пробок. Я знал многих людей в городе. Все они (12) были очень дружелюбны. В школе у меня было много друзей. Все они (13) были очень покладистыми. После школы мы обычно играли в футбол. (14) За моей школой было футбольное поле. Оно (15) было довольно маленьким, но нам было все равно!
Решение #
2 were (были)
3 There was (Там же была)
4 was (был)
5 There were (Там было)
6 there was (была)
7 was (был)
8 there were (были)
9 was (был)
10 There were (было)
11 there was (было)
12 were (были)
13 were (были)
14 There was (было)
15 was (было)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Комарова, Ларионова 8 класс, Русское слово:
Grammar 2
be: past simple and there was / there were
1 Order the words to make sentences with was / were, there was / there were.
the / There / car / was / with / a / problem.
There was a problem with the car.
1 of / at / There / concert / people / were / the / hundreds.
2 famous / He / explorer / was / a.
3 Was / Report / in / he / Minority?
4 wasn’t / a / the / There / village / bookshop / in.
5 any / days / There / those / medicines / in / weren’t.
6 there / school / Were / in / primary / your / computers?
7 winning /They /the /were /team.
2 Rewrite the sentences in the past with the affirmative or negative form of was / were, there was / there were.
There is a cinema in this street.
There was a cinema in this street.
1 We are at home.
2 There are a lot of people in the park.
3 It isn’t very sunny.
4 There aren’t any eggs.
5 Is there a direct train to the college?
6 Is he interested in football?
3 Write sentences in the past with was / were, there was / there were.
cinema in this street / the last cinema in town.
There was a cinema in this street. It was the last cinema in town.
1 thousands of people at the match / Liverpool supporters.
2 a lot of magazines in the shop / bookshop.
3 no meat on the menu / vegetarian restaurant.
4 two hundred children at the picnic / hungry and thirsty.
5 a mistake on that page / a spelling mistake.
4 Complete the text using was / were, there was / there were.
This is a picture of my town thirty years ago. (1) There were a lot of shops in the High Street. They (2) were open from 9 till 5. (3) There was a library too. It (4) was open until late some evenings. (5) There were so many books there! At the corner of my street (6) there was a sweet shop. It (7) was a small shop but inside (8) there were hundreds of jars of sweets and chocolates. It (9) was my favourite shop! (10) There were many cars in my town, so (11) there was a lot of traffic. I knew a lot of people in the town. They (12) were all very friendly. I had many friends at school. They (13) were all very easy-going. After school we usually played football. (14) There was a football field behind my school. It (15) was quite small, but we didn’t care!
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