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7 Миша рассказывает своему другу о самой известной российской библиотеке. Закончите текст при помощи этих слов. Используйте the Present Passive или the Past Passive.
Дарить, читать, основывать, переименовывать, называть, давать, строить, переименовывать.
Российская государственная библиотека находится в Москве. Это самая большая библиотека в Европе и вторая библиотека в мире. Это также первая московская публичная библиотека.
Библиотека была основана в 1862 году и названа библиотека Румянцева. Первоначально библиотека состояла из книг графа Николая Румянцева и коллекцией рукописей. Те книги были подарены его детьми. Библиотека быстро росла, и тысячи книг были отданы библиотеке частными коллекционерами.
В 1924 году библиотеку переименовали в честь Ленина и она стала национальной библиотекой страны. К тому времени было построено
главное здание библиотеки. Потребовалось около 20 лет, что бы завершить строительство.
В 1992 году библиотеку снова переименовали и она стала называться Российская государственная библиотека.
В настоящее время в библиотеке находятся тысячи древних рукописей и уникальных документов, которые читают тысячи людей каждый день.
Решение #
Russia's State Library is in Moscow. It is the largest library in Europe and the second largest library in the world. It is also Moscow's first public library.
The library was founded in 1862 and was called the Rumyantsev Library. Originally the library had contained the books from Count Nicolai Rumyantsev's book and manuscript collection. These books were presented by his children. The library grew quickly, and thousands of books were given to the library by private collectors.
In 1924 the library was renamed after Lenin and became the country's national library. At that time the main building of the library was built. It took about twenty years to finish it.
In 1992 the library was renamed again and became the Russian State Library.
Nowadays there are thousands of ancient manuscripts and unique documents in the library, which are read by thousands of people every day.
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7 Misha is telling his friends about Russia's most famous library. Complete the text with these verbs. Use the Present Passive or the Past Passive.
to present, to read, to found, to rename, to call, to give, to build, to rename
Russia's State Library is in Moscow. It is the largest library in Europe and the second largest library in the world. It is also Moscow's first public library.
The library ... in 1862 and ... the Rumyantsev Library. Originally the library had contained the books from Count Nicolai Rumyantsev's book and manuscript collection. Those books ... by his children. The library grew quickly, and thousands of books ... to the library by private collectors.
In 1924 the library ... after Lenin and became the country's national library. At that time the main building of the library... . It took about twenty years to finish it.
In 1992 the library ... again and became the Russian State Library.
Nowadays there are thousands of ancient manuscripts and unique documents in the library, which ... by thousands of people every day.
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