Упр.3 Юнит 3 Урок 2 ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 8 класс
3 Перерисуйте таблицу в свою рабочую тетрадь и заполните ее предложениями из диалога.
Решение #
саn dо | Could do | was/were able to do | will be able to do |
The text is very long and we can't e-mail it. | Were you able to translate the story? | If he learns it. he'll he able to translate the other stories. | |
He was able to scan the document and find an e-mail adress for Mr Jenkins. | Yes, and he takes it for granted that we won't be able to find him. | ||
If we're lucky, we'll be able to get the book back tomorrow. | |||
They'll be able to stop our virus easily. | |||
I'm sure he'll be able to help. |
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 8 класс, Титул:
3 Copy the table into your exercise books and fill it in with the sentences from the dialogue.
Популярные решебники 8 класс Все решебники
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением