Упр.2 Юнит 3 Урок 789 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс

2 Заполните пропуски верной формой глагола to be.
1. Чьи это джинсы?
2. В реке было много рыбы, когда я был моложе.
3. Новости хорошие или плохие?
Я не включал телевизор с утра.
4. Об этом происшествии очень мало информации.
5. Его одежда была грязная, когда он прибыл?
6. Это твои очки, которые я нашел?
7. Когда отправят товары в Африку?
8. Чьи это деньги на столе?
9. В этом пироге были фрукты? У меня случился ужасный приступ аллергии, после того как я его съел.

Решение #

1. Whose jeans are these?
2. There was a lot of fish in this river when I was younger.
3. Is the news good or bad? I haven't switched on the TV on since morning.
4. There is very little information about that accident.
5. Were his clothes dirty when he arrived?
6. Are the glasses that I found yours?
7. When were the goods delivered to Africa?
8. Whose money is lying on the table?
9. Were there any fruit in that pie? I had a terrible allergy attack after I ate it.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
2 Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb to be.
1. Whose jeans are these?
2. There was a lot of fish in this river when I was younger.
3. Is the news good or bad? I haven't switched on the TV on since morning.
4. There is very little information about that accident.
5. Were his clothes dirty when he arrived?
6. Are the glasses that I found yours?
7. When were the goods delivered to Africa?
8. Whose money is lying on the table?
9. Were there any fruit in that pie? I had a terrible allergy attack after I ate it.
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