Упр.1 Юнит 3 Урок 1415 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс

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Жил в Англии богатый фермер. У него был друг, который мог выращивать очень вкусные яблоки.
Однажды друг подарил фермеру яблоню в подарок. Фермер принес дерево домой, но он не знал, куда его посадить.
Он подумал, что если бы он посадил дерево рядом с дорогой, незнакомцы бы крали яблоки. Если бы он посадил дерево в поле, соседи пришли бы ночью и ограбили его. И если бы он посадил дерево рядом с домом, его дети брали бы яблоки. Наконец, он решил посадить его глубоко в лесу. Дерево не смогло расти без света и погибло. Когда друг фермера узнал, что случилось с деревом, он впал в бешенство. Он спросил фермера, почему он посадил дерево в таком плохом месте.
«А куда я мог его посадить?» сказал фермер. «Если бы я посадил дерево рядом с дорогой, незнакомцы бы украли его. Если бы я посадил его в поле, мои соседи обокрали бы меня, и если бы я посадил его рядом со своим домом, дети бы съели яблоки». Но друг не согласился с фермером. Он подарил дерево фермеру, чтобы люди радовались ему. А сейчас никто не может насладиться яблоками, а фермер потерял прекрасное дерево.

Решение #

The Apple tree
There was a rich farmer in England. He had a friend who could grow very tasty apples. One day a friend gave a farmer an apple tree as a present. The farmer brought the tree to his house but he did not know where to plant it.
He thought that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the apples. If he planted the tree in his field, the neighbours would come at night and rob him. And if he planted it near his house, his children would take the apples. Finally, he decided to plant it deep in the wood. The tree could not grow without sunlight and died. When the farmer's friend Iearnt what had happened to the tree, he got furious. He asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a bad place.
"Where could I plant it?" said the farmer. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen them. If I had planted it in the field, my neighbours would have robbed me and if l had planted it near my house, my children would have eaten them." But his friend did not agree with the farmer. He had given the tree to the farmer for the people to enjoy it. And now nobody could enjoy the apples and the farmer had lost a wonderful tree.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
1 Read the story and underline Conditionals Type
The Apple tree
There was a rich farmer in England. He had a friend who could grow very tasty apples. One day a friend gave a farmer an apple tree as a present. The farmer brought the tree to his house but he did not know where to plant it.
He thought that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the apples. If he planted the tree in his field, the neighbours would come at night and rob him. And if he planted it near his house, his children would take the apples. Finally, he decided to plant it deep in the wood. The tree could not grow without sunlight and died. When the farmer's friend learnt what had happened to the tree, he got furious. He asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a bad place.
"Where could I plant it?" said the farmer. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen them. If I had planted it in the field, my neighbours would have robbed me and if I had planted it near my house, my children would have eaten them." But his friend did not agree with the farmer. He had given the tree to the farmer for the people to enjoy it. And now nobody could enjoy the apples and the farmer had lost a wonderful tree.
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