Упр.3 Юнит 2 Урок 15 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
3 Выберите наиболее подходящую форму, чтобы закончить предложения.
1. Заговорив (a) с Джеральдом, наша тетя пошла к его жене и говорила с ней.
2. Книга, изданная (b) месяц назад, уже распродана.
3. Человек, стоящий (c) возле магазина, мой старый друг.
4. Закончив (a) на час ранее, модель автомобиля стояла в центре стола, чтобы каждый мог полюбоваться ею.
5. Бутылки, тщательно упакованные (b) в коробке, никогда не сломаются.
Решение #
1 Having spoken (a) to Gerald, our aunt went to his wife and talked to her.
2 The book, published (b) a month ago, has already been sold out.
3 The man, standing (c) near the shop, is my old friend.
4 Having been finished (a) just an hour before, the model car was standing in the middle of the table for everybody to admire.
5 The bottles, carefully packed (b) in the box, will never break.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
3 Choose the most suitable form to complete the sentences.
1. Having spoken (a) to Gerald, our aunt went to his wife and talked to her.
2. The book, published (b) a month ago, has already been sold out.
3. The man, standing (c) near the shop, is my old friend.
4. Having been finished (a) just an hour before, the model car was standing in the middle of the table for everybody to admire.
5. The bottles, carefully packed (b) in the box, will never break.
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