Упр.2 Юнит 2 Урок 12 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
2 Используйте Причастие I и закончите предложения.
1. Глядя на своего друга, она поняла, что она забыла что-то важное.
2. Будучи перфекционистом, Дерек всегда сильно старался получить самые высокие оценки.
3. Девушка ищет работу. Пожалуйста, будьте добры c ней.
4. Смеющаяся женщина у окна - известный писатель.
5. Мои родители, смотря их любимый фильм, злились, когда я мешал им.
6. Работая на окраине большого города, он нуждался в автомобиле.
7. Джим сломал ногу после катания на лыжах.
8. Энн побежала к родителям, взывая о помощи.
9. Джейн мыла полы, улыбаясь про себя.
Решение #
1. Looking at her friend, she realised that she had forgotten something important.
2. Being a perfectionist, Derek always tried hard to get the highest grades.
3. The girl is looking for the job. Please be nice to her.
4. The laughing woman near the window is a well-known writer.
5. My parents, watching their favourite film, were angry when I interrupted them.
6. Working in the outskirts of a big city, he needed a car.
7. Jim broke his leg having skied.
8. Ann ran to her parents crying for help.
9. Jane was cleaning the floor smiling to herself.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
2 Use Participle I and complete the sentences.
1. Looking at her friend, she realised that she had forgotten something important.
2. Being a perfectionist, Derek always tried hard to get the highest grades.
3. The girl is looking for the job. Please be nice to her.
4. The laughing woman near the window is a well-known writer.
5. My parents, watching their favourite film, were angry when I interrupted them.
6. Working in the outskirts of a big city, he needed a car.
7. Jim broke his leg having skied.
8. Ann ran to her parents crying for help.
9. Jane was cleaning the floor smiling to herself.
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