Упр.6 Unit 1 Секция 3 Рабочая тетрадь 1 ФГОС ГДЗ Enjoy English 9 класс
6 Задайте вопросы в словам жирным.
1 Linda says she is going to spend the whole summer at the seaside. Everyone in our class envies her.
Линда говорит, что она проведет все лето на берегу моря. Все в нашем классе завидуют ей.
2 Jack asked his older brother to let him ride the bicycle. The brother ignored Jack’s request.
Джек попросил своего старшего брата позволить ему кататься на велосипеде. Брат проигнорировал просьбу Джека.
3 Amy enjoys feature films and her younger sister prefers cartoons.
Эми любит художественные фильмы, а ее младшая сестра предпочитает мультфильмы.
4 Lisa is my cousin’s friend. They have been friends for five years already.
Лиза - друг моего кузена. Они друзья уже пять лет.
5 Jack boasted about winning the football game. His team was really very good on the pitch.
Джек похвастался победой в футбольной игре. Его команда была очень хороша на поле.
Решение #
1. How much time is Linda going to spend at the seaside? Who envies her?
2. What does Jack enjoy his elder brother? Whose request did the brother ignored?
3. What films does Amy enjoy and what does her younger sister prefer?
4. Whose friend is Lisa? How long have they been friends yet?
5. Who boasted about winning the football game? What did Jack boast about?
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 9 класс, Дрофа:
6 Ask questions to the words in bold.
1 Linda says she is going to spend the whole summer at the seaside. Everyone in our class envies her.
2 Jack asked his older brother to let him ride the bicycle. The brother ignored Jack’s request.
3 Amy enjoys feature films and her younger sister prefers cartoons.
4 Lisa is my cousin’s friend. They have been friends for five years already.
5 Jack boasted about winning the football game. His team was really very good on the pitch.
Популярные решебники 9 класс Все решебники
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