Упр.7 Unit 2 Homework ГДЗ Enjoy English 8 класс

7 Переведите на английский язык.
Тысячи лет Земля кормила и поддерживала нас. Но человек уничтожает свою планету. Люди строят электростанции и города, вырубают леса и убивают животных. Наши реки, земля и воздух отравлены химическими отходами. Загрязнение окружающей среды опасно для людей и дикой природы. Предсказания ученых настораживают: это международная катастрофа. Почему люди травят себя сигаретами, алкоголем, некачественной едой? Давайте решать эти проблемы вместе!

Решение #1

For thousands of years the Earth has been feeding and supporting us. But human beings destroy their planet. People build power stations and towns, cut down trees and kill animals. Our rivers, land and air are polluted by chemical wastes. The pollution of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife. The predictions of scientists are alarming. They speak about an international catastrophe. Why do people pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food? Let's solve these problems together.

Решение #2

For thousands of years the Earth has fed us and given support to us. But human beings are killing our planet. People build power stations and towns, cut down trees and kill animals. Our rivers, land and air are polluted by chemical waste. The pollution of the environment is dangerous for people and wild life. Scientists’ predictions are alarming. It’s an international disaster. Why do people pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol andjunk food? Let’s solve these problems together.
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