Упр.57 Unit 1 ГДЗ Enjoy English 8 класс
57 Работа в группах. Ещё раз прочитайте текст. Некоторые предложения не были в него включены. Определите, к какой части текста относятся предложения и отметьте место, к которым они подходят. Сравните ваши результаты, с результатами других:
- Я был рад сделать что-то другое. Я не выхожу из космической станции очень часто. Из моего офиса отличный вид, но было здорово выйти наружу.
- В действительности, это был не простой скафандр. Он был огромный и достаточно большой, чтобы в него вместилось больше одного человека.
- Мне пришлось защищать глаза от солнца. В космосе солнечный свет опасен. В космическом корабле был специальный козырёк, защищавший от солнца.
- Тогда я вспомнил одно имя.
Решение #
1 I was told to go out and to bring it in. I was pleased to do something different. I didn't get out of the space station very often.
My office had a beautiful view, but it was good to get outside.
I put away my papers and went to get my spacesuit.
2 I climbed into my spacesuit and soon I was in space.
It wasn't really just a suit. It was huge, more than big enough for one man.
I saw the satellite and began to move towards it.
3 I had to protect my eyes from the sun. In space the sun's light is dangerous. The spacesuit had a special sunshade for protection.
But at that moment something went wrong.
4 And it was trying to get into my spacesuit,
I thought.
Then a name came into my mind.
“Bernie Summers!” I thought.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 8 класс, Дрофа:
57 Work in groups. Read the text once more. Some sentences have been left out. Decide where the sentences came from and mark the four places in the text where they could fit in. Compare the places found by you and other students.
1. I was pleased to do something different.
I didn't get out of the space station very often.
My office had a beautiful view, but it was good to get outside.
2. It wasn't really iust a suit. It was huge, big enough for more than one man.
3. I had to protect my eyes from the sun. In space the sun's light is dangerous.
The spacesuit had a special sunshade for protection.
4. Then a name came into my mind.
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