Упр.7-10 Unit 2 Progress Check ГДЗ Enjoy English 6 класс

В заданиях 7—10 определите, какие их приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите соответствующую букву.
7. Коалы чувствуют себя очень комфортно дома у человека.
а) Правда
b) Ложь

8. Коала – родственник медведя.
а) Правда
b) Ложь

9. Коалам нужно больше времени для отдыха, чем для поиска пищи.
а) Правда
b) Ложь

10. У коал строгая диета: они едят только листья.
а) Правда
b) Ложь

Решение #

7. b
8. b
9. a
10. a
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Денисенко 6 класс, Титул:
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 7—14.
A lot of people keep pets at home. They can be very different — from cats and dogs to some really exotic animals like snakes, monkeys, and even kangaroos and koalas. Koalas arc very cute animals, but is it a good idea to keep them as pets? Scientists, vets, and other specialists think that it is not. Just read this information and think why a koala feels very unhappy if we take it from its natural home.
The koala is not a large animal. It has a big head, large round ears, big dark eyes and a black nose. The koala has no tail. Koala’s coat is grey or brown. The fur1 is very thick which protects them from hot and cold weather, rain and wind. Koalas look like teddy bears, but they are not bears, or even relatives of the bears.
Koalas are very slow animals. They need as many as IS hours a day to sleep and rest.
These unusual animals live only in Australia and on some of the nearby islands. Koalas live on the eucalyptus trees. They cat the eucalyptus leaves and practically never eat anything else. In fact, they eat only fresh, new leaves and that is why one animal needs several trees to keep it healthy and alive. Each koala normally has its own trees which other koalas do not visit. Koalas live in the forest with other koalas, but they do not spend much time together. Scientists say that koalas communicate with each other very little.
The animals drink very little water. In fact, in native Australian languages the word 'koala’ means ‘no water’. Koalas get all the water they need from the eucalyptus leaves.
Koalas are not endangered animals anymore. But we should be very careful with the eucalyptus forests and not cut down the trees if we want to continue to have the small teddy bear-like animals on our planet.

В заданиях 7—10 определите, какие их приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), а какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите соответствующую букву.
7 Koalas Feel very comfortable in a human house.
a) True
b) False
8 The koala is a relative of the bear.
a) True
b) False
9 Koalas need more time to rest than to look for food.
a) True
b) False
10 Koalas are on a strict diet: they eat only leaves.
a) True
b) False
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением