Упр.3 Модуль 4 Progress Check ГДЗ Spotlight 8 класс
3 Превратите следующие предложения в пассивный залог.
1 Кэльвин Кляйн разработал это платье.
2 Они строят новый мост.
3 Моя мать свяжет розовый свитер для меня.
4 Карен отправил Джеймсу приглашение.
5 Где они припарковали автомобиль?
6 Кто написал музыку для «Кошек»?
7 Они рисовали мою квартиру, когда я приехал.
8 Они приготовили еду до того, как погасили свет.
9 Пуччини написал много знаменитых опер.
10 Они украсили торт цветами и шоколадными жемчужинами.
Решение #
1 This dress has been designed by Calvin Klein.
2 A new bridge is being built.
3 A pink sweater will be knitted for me by my mother.
4 James was sent an invitation by Karen.
5 Where was the car parked?
6 Who was the music for Cats written by?
7 My flat was being painted when I arrived.
8 The meal had been cooked before the lights went off.
9 Many famous operas were composed by Puccini.
10 The cake was decorated with flowers and chocolate pearls.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 8 класс, Просвещение:
3 Turn the following sentences into the Passive ) Voice.
1 Calvin Klein has designed this dress.
2 They are building a new bridge.
3 My mother will knit a pink sweater for me.
4 Karen sent James an invitation.
5 Where did they park the car?
6 Who wrote the music for Cats?
7 They were painting my flat when I arrived.
8 They had cooked the meal before the lights went off.
9 Puccini composed many famous operas.
10 They decorated the cake with flowers and chocolate pearls.
Популярные решебники 8 класс Все решебники
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