Упр.6 Unit 2 Секция 1 Рабочая тетрадь 1 ГДЗ Enjoy English 9 класс
6 Задайте вопросы к словам выделенным жирным шрифтом. Используйте passive voice.
1 Около 700 пассажиров Титаника были спасены Карпатией.
2 Более 2000 билетов были проданы на первый рейс из Европы в Америку.
3 Петропавловск-Камчатский был основан в 1741 году.
4 Книги о путешествиях и для путешественников часто продаются весной, когда люди планируют свои летние каникулы.
5 Две тысячи экземпляров журнала "Путешествия в джунглях" были проданы на этой неделе.
6 Никто не знает, как много визитов НЛО на Землю было зарегистрировано в течение последних 50 лет.
7 Большинство тайн прошлого будет решено в будущем.
Решение #
1 How many passengers of the Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia?
2 How many tickets were sold for the first voyage from Europe to America?
3 When was Petropavlovs-Kamchatsky founded?
4 When are books on travellings and travellers often sold?
5 How many copies of the magazine have been sold?
6 How many cases of UFO visits to the Earth have been registered in the last 50 years?/Who knows how many cases of UFO visits to the Earth have been registered in the last 50 years?
7 When will mysteries of the past be solved?
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 9 класс, Дрофа:
6 Ask questions to the words In bold. Use the passive voice.
1 About 700 passengers of the Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia.
2 More than 2000 tickets were sold for the first voyage from Europe to America.
3 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was founded in 1741.
4 Books on travelling and travellers are often sold in the spring when people are planning their summer holidays.
5 Two thousand copies of the magazine "The Travelling in the Jungle" have been sold this week.
6 Nobody knows how many cases of UFOs' visits to the Earth have been registered in the last 50 years.
7 Most mysteries of the past will be solved in the future.
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