Упр.6 Unit 3 Секция 5 ГДЗ English Михеева 7 класс

6 Выберите верное слово, чтобы закончить предложения. Проверьте.
1) Я не люблю людей, которые ненавидят животных.
2) Вопрос, который ты задаешь мне, очень сложный.
3) Дети, которые играют в саду – друзья моего брата
4) Работы, которыми он занимался в молодости, все были интересные.
5) Мышки, которые живут по полом, выбираются ночью.
6) Мужчина, который женился на моей сестре, теперь мой хороший друг.
7) Место, которое мы посетили прошлым летом, было очень красивым.
8) Карьера, которую я выбрал, не очень простая.
9) Олени, которые живут в лесу, приходят к нашему дому, и мы кормим их.
10) Университет, который находится в центре города, самый лучший.

Решение #

1) I don’t like people who hate animals.
2) The question which you are asking me is very difficult.
3) The children who are playing in the garden are my brother’ s friends.
4) The jobs which he did in his young years were all very interesting.
5) The mice which live under the floor get out at night.
6) The man who married my sister is my good friend now.
7) The place which we visited last summer was very beautiful.
8) The career which I chose is not very easy.
9) The deer which live in the forest come to our house, and we feed them.
10) The university which is in the city centre is the best.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Афанасьева, Михеева 7 класс, Дрофа:
6 Choose the right word to complete the sentences. Check.(79).
1) I don’t like people who hate animals.
2) The question which you are asking me is very difficult.
3) The children who are playing in the garden are my brother’ s friends.
4) The jobs which he did in his young years were all very interesting.
5) The mice which live under the floor get out at night.
6) The man who married my sister is my good friend now.
7) The place which we visited last summer was very beautiful.
8) The career which I chose is not very easy.
9) The deer which live in the forest come to our house, and we feed them.
10) The university which is in the city centre is the best.
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