Стр.KWT Key Word Transformations ГДЗ Starlight Баранова 6 класс

Преобразования ключевых слов
Дополните второе предложение так, чтобы оно имело такое же значение, как и первое предложение. Используйте данное слово и другие слова, чтобы завершить предложение.
Не меняйте данное слово.
1 He invited both his friends and his colleagues to the party.
He invited not only his friends but also his colleagues to the party.
(Он пригласил на вечеринку и своих друзей, и коллег.
Он пригласил на вечеринку не только своих друзей, но и коллег.)
2 Rather than walk to the hospital, we took a taxi.
Instead of walking to the hospital, we took a taxi.
(Скорее чем дойти до больницы пешком, мы взяли такси.
Вместо того, чтобы дойти пешком до больницы, мы взяли такси.)
3 People say Brian is a talented actor.
It is said that Brian is a talented actor.
(Люди говорят, что Брайан - талантливый актер.
Говорят, что Брайан - талантливый актер.)
4 I was completely unaware of your decision to get a pet.
I had no idea (that) you (had) decided to get a pet.
(Мне совершенно не было известно о вашем решении завести домашнего питомца.
Я не имел понятия, что вы (решили) завести домашнего питомца.)
5 Alice prefers playing sports to going to the gym.
Alice would rather play sports than go to the gym.
(Алиса предпочитает заниматься спортом, чем ходить в спортзал.
Алиса предпочла бы заниматься спортом, чем ходить в спортзал.)
6 They couldn't drive to the hotel because they had a flat tyre.
Their flat tyre prevented them from driving to the hotel.
(Они не могли поехать в отель, потому что у них спустило колесо.
Спустившая шина помешала им добраться до отеля.)
7 The insurance company asked me to describe the accident in detail.
The insurance company asked me to give a full description of the accident.
(Страховая компания попросила меня подробно описать аварию.
Страховая компания попросила меня дать полное описание аварии.)
8 She speaks Spanish fluently.
She is fluent in Spanish.
(Она свободно говорит по-испански.
Она свободно говорит по-испански.)
9 When did you start writing the book?
How long have you been writing the book?
(Когда вы начали писать книгу?
Как долго вы пишете книгу?)
10 He won't tell me the reason he is upset, despite my insistence.
He won't tell me why he is upset even though I insisted.
(Он не говорит мне, почему он расстроен, несмотря на мою настойчивость.
Он не скажет мне, почему он расстроен, хотя я настаивал.)
11 It was thoughtless of them to treat their guests with such rudeness.
They should not have been so rude to their guests.
(С их стороны было легкомысленно обращаться с гостями с такой грубостью.
Им не следовало быть такими грубыми со своими гостями.)
12 They will be selling tickets for the Christmas pantomime at the box office.
Tickets for the Christmas pantomime go on sale at the box office.
(В кассах будут продавать билеты на рождественскую пантомиму.
Билеты на рождественскую пантомиму поступают в продажу в кассах.)
13 Gary took a taxi so that he wouldn't be late.
Gary took a taxi out of fear of being late.
(Гэри взял такси, чтобы не опоздать.
Гэри взял такси, опасаясь опоздания.)
14 If you go online and book your tickets early, you'll get a better price.
Provided you go online and book your tickets in advance, you'll get a better price.
(Если вы зайдете в Интернет и забронируете билеты заранее, вы получите лучшую цену.
Если вы зайдете в Интернет и забронируете билеты заранее, вы получите более выгодную цену.)
15 I don't find sport at all interesting.
I have no interest in sport whatsoever.
(Я вообще не считаю спорт интересным.
Я вообще не интересуюсь спортом.)
16 Somebody robbed the bank a week ago.
The bank was broken into a week ago.
(Кто-то ограбил банк неделю назад.
Банк был ограблен неделю назад.)
17 You'd better see a doctor.
If I were you, I would see a doctor.
(Тебе лучше обратиться к врачу.
На вашем месте я бы обратился к врачу.)
18 Sally doesn't do as much exercise as she did in the past.
Sally used to do more exercise than she does now.
(Салли не делает столько упражнений, как раньше.
Салли раньше делала больше упражнений, чем сейчас.)
19 You won't get good marks if you don't study hard.
Only by studying hard will you get good marks.
(Вы не получите хороших оценок, если не будете усердно учиться.
Только усердно обучаясь, вы получите хорошие оценки.)
20 They bought the building because they planned to start a business.
They bought the building with a view to starting a business.
(Они купили здание, потому что планировали начать бизнес.
Они купили здание с целью открыть свой бизнес.)
21 She was about to take a bath when the doorbell rang.
She was on the point of taking a bath when the doorbell rang.
(Она собиралась принять ванну, когда раздался звонок в дверь.
Она собиралась принять ванну, когда раздался звонок в дверь.)
22 I am not upset with Joe, despite his breaking my lamp.
I am not upset with Joe, even though he broke my lamp.
(Я не обижен на Джо, несмотря на то, что он разбил мою лампу.
Я не расстроен из-за Джо, хотя он разбил мою лампу.)
23 But for the help of my tutor I'd never have passed the exam.
If it hadn't been for the help of my tutor, I'd never have passed the exam.
(Если бы не помощь моего наставника, я бы никогда не сдал экзамен.
Если бы не помощь моего наставника, я бы никогда не сдал экзамен.)
24 His voice surprised us when he sang.
We were taken aback by his singing voice.
(Его голос удивил нас, когда он пел.
Мы были ошеломлены его певческим голосом.)
25 They rejected our offer on the house.
Our offer on the house was turned down by them.
(Они отклонили наше предложение о доме.
Наше предложение о доме было отклонено ими.)
26 I believe swimming is the best way to stay fit.
In my opinion, the best way to keep in shape is to go swimming.
(Я считаю, что плавание - лучший способ оставаться в форме.
На мой взгляд, лучший способ поддерживать форму - это плавать.)
27 We try to pay the bills on time.
We don't want to fall behind on/with the bills.
(Мы стараемся вовремя оплачивать счета.
Мы не хотим отставать по счетам.)
28 They say that the tomb has a curse on it.
The tomb is said to have a curse on it.
(Говорят, что на гробнице есть проклятие.
Говорят, что на гробнице есть проклятие.)
29 He spent ages preparing dinner.
It took him ages to prepare dinner.
(Он потратил целую вечность на приготовление обеда.
На приготовление обеда у него ушла целая вечность.)
30 Not all unions agreed with the strike.
Not all the unions were in agreement with the strike.
(Не все профсоюзы согласились с забастовкой.
Не все профсоюзы были согласны с забастовкой.)
31 The driving test wasn't as easy as I'd expected.
The driving test was more difficult than I'd expected.
(Экзамен по вождению оказался не таким легким, как я ожидал.
Экзамен по вождению оказался труднее, чем я ожидал.)
32 John might have an artist paint his portrait.
John is thinking about getting his portrait painted by an artist.
(Джон мог бы попросить художника написать его портрет.
Джон думает о том, чтобы его портрет нарисовал художник.)
33 I'm sure he didn't intend to be rude
I'm sure he had no intention of being rude.
(Я уверен, что он не собирался быть грубым.
Я уверен, что он не собирался грубить.)
34 Can't you think of a better idea?
Is that the best idea you can think of?
(Вы не можете придумать лучшую идею?
Это лучшая идея, которую вы можете придумать?)
35 Shall I bring the washing in?
Would you like me to bring the washing in?
(Я принесу стирку?
Вы хотите, чтобы я принесла стирку (белье которое нужно постирать)?)
36 Talking in the library isn't allowed.
You aren't supposed to talk in the library.
(Разговаривать в библиотеке запрещено.
В библиотеке нельзя разговаривать.)
37 "You ate my sandwich," she said to him.
She had accused him of eating / having eaten her sandwich.
(“Ты съел мой бутерброд”, - сказала она ему.
Она обвинила его в том, что он съел ее бутерброд.)
38 His parents won't let him buy a motorbike.
He isn't allowed to buy a motorbike.
(Его родители не разрешают ему покупать мотоцикл.
Ему не разрешено покупать мотоцикл.)
39 When did they move to Switzerland?
How long has it been since they moved to Switzerland?
(Когда они переехали в Швейцарию?
Как много времени прошло с тех пор как они переехали в Швейцарию?)
40 Joan couldn't get the book she wanted because they had sold out.
Joan was unable to get the book she wanted because they had sold out.
(Джоан не могла получить нужную книгу, потому что они были распроданы.
Джоан не смогла получить нужную книгу, потому что они были распроданы.)
41 I'm sure Karen hasn't written the letter yet.
Karen won't have written the letter yet.
(Я уверен, что Карен еще не написала письмо.
Карен еще не написала письмо.)
42 It's probable that he will fly via Amsterdam.
He will likely fly via Amsterdam.
(Вероятно, он прилетит через Амстердам.
Скорее всего, он полетит через Амстердам.)
43 Everyone brought a packed lunch except Richard.
The only person who didn't bring a packed lunch was Richard.
(Все принесли упакованный ланч, кроме Ричарда.
Единственным, кто не принес упакованный ланч, был Ричард.)
44 You've bought more apples than you need to make the pie.
You needn't have bought so many apples to make the pie.
(Вы купили больше яблок, чем нужно для пирога.
Необязательно покупать столько много яблок, чтобы приготовить пирог.)
45 Would you mind if I opened the window?
Would you object to me opening the window?
(Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно?
Вы бы возразили, если я открою окно?)
46 We arrived early so we could get a good seat.
We arrived early in the hope of getting a good seat.
(Мы приехали рано, чтобы занять хорошее место.
Мы приехали рано в надежде занять хорошее место.)
47 It's a four-hour flight from London to Athens.
It takes four hours to fly from London to Athens.
(Это четырехчасовой перелет из Лондона в Афины.
Перелет из Лондона в Афины занимает четыре часа.)
48 She could hardly read the doctor's handwriting.
She had difficulty (in) reading the doctor's handwriting.
(Она с трудом читала почерк доктора.
Ей было трудно читать почерк доктора.)
49 Nobody knows where the theatre is.
There isn't anybody who knows where the theatre is.
(Никто не знает, где находится театр.
Нет никого кто знает, где находится театр.)
50 One has to taste it to fully appreciate it.
It has to be tasted to be fully appreciated.
(Чтобы полностью оценить это, нужно попробовать это на вкус.
Его нужно попробовать на вкус, чтобы полностью оценить.)
51 That's the music school where I learnt the piano.
I was taught the piano at that music school.
(Это музыкальная школа, где я учился игре на фортепиано.
В этой музыкальной школе меня учили игре на фортепиано.)
52 Shall I mow the lawn?
Would you like me to mow the lawn?
(Стричь лужайку?
Вы хотите, чтобы я постриг лужайку?)
53 When did you last go to the cinema?
When was the last time you went to the cinema?
(Когда вы в последний раз ходили в кино?
Когда был последний раз когда вы ходили в кино?)
54 They made us wait 40 minutes before they showed us to our table.
We kept waiting 40 minutes before they showed us to our table.
(Они заставили нас подождать 40 минут, прежде чем показали нам наш столик.
Мы ждали 40 минут, прежде чем они показали нам наш столик.)
55 It was hard for them to get used to their new neighbourhood.
It took them time to get used to their new neighbourhood.
(Им было трудно привыкнуть к новому району.
Им потребовалось время, чтобы привыкнуть к новому району.)
56 He managed to get the promotion.
He succeeded in getting the promotion.
(Ему удалось получить повышение.
Ему удалось получить повышение.)
57 I think it would be a good idea to call and book a table.
I suggest we call and book a table.
(Я думаю, было бы неплохо позвонить и забронировать столик.
Предлагаю позвонить и забронировать столик.)
58 I enjoyed my holiday very much.
I had fun on my holiday.
(Мне очень понравился отпуск.
Я повеселился в отпуске.)
59 Dad let me go to the party last week.
I was allowed to go to the party last week.
(Папа отпустил меня на вечеринку на прошлой неделе.
На прошлой неделе мне разрешили пойти на вечеринку.)
60 She is quieter than her sister.
She is not as loud as her sister.
(Она тише сестры.
Она не такая громкая, как ее сестра.)
61 "You've scratched my car," she said to him.
She accused him of scratching her car.
(“Ты поцарапал мою машину”, - сказала она ему.
Она обвинила его в том, что он поцарапал ее машину.)
62 She will probably be late for the film.
She is unlikely to be on time for the film.
(Она, наверное, опоздает на фильм.
Вряд ли она успеет на фильм.)
63 She wishes she hadn't moved so far away from home.
She regrets moving so far away from home.
(Ей жаль, что она переехала так далеко от дома.
Она сожалеет, что переехала так далеко от дома.)
64 After the play finished, the cast made a curtain call.
At the end of the play the cast made a curtain call.
(После того, как спектакль закончился, актеры подняли занавес.
В конце спектакля актеры подняли занавес.)
65 The jeans I bought no longer fit me.
I have grown out of the jeans that I bought.
(Джинсы, которые я купила, мне больше не подходят.
Я выросла из джинс, которые я купила.)
66 "I'm sorry I lost your umbrella," she said to him.
She apologised for having lost his umbrella.
(“Мне жаль, что я потеряла твой зонтик”, - сказала она ему.
Она извинилась за то, что потеряла его зонтик.)
67 Jenny hasn't been to dance class in a month.
It's a month since Jenny last went to dance class.
(Дженни не была на уроках танцев месяц.
Прошел месяц с тех пор, как Дженни последний раз ходила в танцевальный класс.)
68 He shouldn't have been rude to the customer.
It was foolish of him to be rude to the customer.
(Он не должен был грубить клиенту.
Было глупо с его стороны грубить клиенту.)
69 I was unable to tolerate my noisy neighbours any longer.
I couldn't put up with my noisy neighbours any longer.
(Я не мог больше терпеть шумных соседей.
Я больше не мог терпеть шумных соседей.)
70 They have cancelled the concert because the singer is ill.
The concert has been called off because the singer is ill.
(Отменили концерт из-за болезни певца.
Концерт отменен из-за болезни певца.)
71 Is it OK for me to use your computer?
Would you object to me using your computer?
(Могу ли я использовать ваш компьютер?
Вы бы возражали против того, чтобы я использовал ваш компьютер?)
72 Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything.
Don't think twice before about asking me if you need anything.
(Не стесняйтесь говорить мне, если вам что-нибудь понадобится.
Не думай дважды, прежде чем спросить меня, нужно ли тебе что-нибудь..)
73 I'd prefer him to think it over.
I would rather he thought it over.
(Я бы предпочел, чтобы он обдумал это.
Я бы предпочел, чтобы он обдумал это.)
74 His boss won't let him leave early.
He isn't allowed to leave early.
(Его босс не позволит ему уйти рано.
Ему не разрешают уйти рано.)
75 She was late due to the power cut on the underground.
She didn't arrive on time because of the power cut on the underground.
(Она опоздала из-за отключения электричества в метро.
Она не приехала вовремя из-за отключения электричества в метро.)
76 "Shall I save this for later?" she asked herself
She wondered whether she should save it for later.
("Могу я сохранить его на потом?" она спросила себя
Она подумала, стоит ли приберечь его на потом.)
77 He won't make it to the Olympics this time.
He has no chance of making it to the Olympics this time.
(На этот раз он не поедет на Олимпиаду.
На этот раз у него нет шансов попасть на Олимпиаду.)
78 It's unlikely that I'll finish this project tonight.
I'm not likely to finish this project tonight.
(Маловероятно что я закончу этот проект сегодня вечером.
Я вряд ли закончу этот проект сегодня вечером.)
79 They're building a new hospital at the moment.
A new hospital is being built at the moment.
(Сейчас строят новую больницу.
Сейчас строится новая больница.)
80 It's pointless complaining about the noise.
It's not worth complaining about the noise.
(На шум жаловаться бессмысленно.
На шум жаловаться не стоит.)

Решение #

1 not only his friends but (не только его друзей но)
2 Instead of walking (вместо того чтобы идти пешком)
3 is said that (говорят что)
4 no idea (that) you (had)
5 would rather play sport than (предпочла бы спорт чем)
6 prevented them from driving (предотвратил от езды)
7 full details/a full description (все детали/ полное описание)
8 is fluent in (свободно говорит)
9 long have you been writing (долго вы пишите)
10 he is upset even though (он расстроен хотя)
11 not have been so rude (не быть таким грубым)
12 will be/go on sale (поступают в продажу)
13 for/out of fear of being (из-за страха быть (опоздавшим))
14 book your tickets in advance (забронируете билеты заранее)
15 no interest in (вообще не интересуюсь)
16 bank was broken into (банк был ограблен)
17 I were you, I would (на вашем месте я бы)
18 used to do more exercise (раньше делала больше упражнений)
19 by studying hard will (усердно обучаясь, вы будете)
20 with a view to starting (с целью открыть)
21 on the point of taking (собиралась принять)
22 even though he broke (хотя он разбил)
23 been for the help of my tutor (помощь моего наставника)
24 taken aback by his (были ошеломлены его)
25 was turned down by (было отклонено)
26 to stay/keep in shape (поддерживать форму)
27 to fall behind on/with (отставать)
28 is said to have (говорят что)
29 took him ages to prepare (у него ушла целая вечность на приготовление)
30 were in agreement (были согласны)
31 was more difficult than (оказался труднее, чем)
32 about/of having/getting his portrait painted (о написании его портрета)
33 no intention of being (нет намерения быть)
34 the best idea you can (лучшая идея, которую вы можете)
35 you like me to bring (Вы хотите, чтобы я принесла)
36 aren't supposed to talk (нельзя разговаривать)
37 accused him of eating/having eaten (обвинил его в том, что он съел)
38 allowed to buy (разрешено покупать)
39 has it been since they (было с тех пор, как они)
40 was unable to get (не смогла получить)
41 can't/won't have written (не написал)
42 is likely to fly/will likely fly (скорее всего полетит)
43 only person who didn't (единственный человек, который не)
44 have bought so many (покупать столько много)
45 to me opening (я открою)
46 in the hope of getting (в надежде получить)
47 takes four hours to fly (лететь нужно четыре часа)
48 had difficulty (in) reading (было трудно читать)
49 isn't anybody who/that (никого, кто)
50 to be tasted to be (попробовать на вкус)
51 was taught the piano (учили игре на фортепиано)
52 you like me to (Вы хотите, чтобы я)
53 the last time you went (в последний раз, когда вы ходили)
54 were made to wait/kept waiting (ждали)
55 took them time to get (им потребовалось время, чтобы получить)
56 succeeded in getting the (удалось получить)
57 suggest we call and book/ calling and booking (Предлагаю позвонить и забронировать)
58 had fun on (повеселился)
59 was allowed to go to (разрешили пойти)
60 not as noisy/loud as (не такая громкая как)
61 accused him of scratching her (обвинила его в том, что он поцарапал ее)
62 unlikely to be on time (вряд ли будет вовремя)
63 regrets moving so far away (сожалеет о том, что переехал так далеко)
64 the end of the play (конец пьесы)
65 have grown out of (выросли из)
66 apologised for losing/having lost his (извинилась за то, что потеряла)
67 since Jenny last went to (с тех пор, как Дженни последний раз ходила)
68 foolish of him to be (глупо с его стороны быть)
69 couldn't put up with (не мог смириться с)
70 has been called off (отменен из-за)
71 object to me using (против того, чтобы я использовал)
72 think twice before telling/ about asking (думать дважды перед тем как спросить)
73 would rather he thought it (бы предпочел, чтобы он обдумал)
74 isn't allowed to (не разрешают)
75 on time due to/because of (вовремя потому что)
76 wondered whether she should (интересно, стоит ли ей)
77 no chance of making (нет шансов попасть)
78 likely to finish (вероятно закончить)
79 is being built (строится)
80 not worth complaining (не стоит жаловаться)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Дули, Копылова 6 класс, Просвещение:
Key Word Transformations
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete the sentence. Do not change the given word.
1 He invited both his friends and his colleagues to the party.
He invited not only his friends but also his colleagues to the party.
2 Rather than walk to the hospital, we took a taxi.
Instead of walking to the hospital, we took a taxi.
3 People say Brian is a talented actor.
It is said that Brian is a talented actor.
4 I was completely unaware of your decision to get a pet.
I had no idea (that) you (had) decided to get a pet.
5 Alice prefers playing sports to going to the gym.
Alice would rather play sport than go to the gym.
6 They couldn't drive to the hotel because they had a flat tyre.
Their flat tyre prevented them from driving to the hotel.
7 The insurance company asked me to describe the accident in detail.
The insurance company asked me to give a full description of the accident.
8 She speaks Spanish fluently.
She is fluent in Spanish.
9 When did you start writing the book?
How long have you been writing the book?
10 He won't tell me the reason he is upset, despite my insistence.
He won't tell me why he is upset even though I insisted.
11 It was thoughtless of them to treat their guests with such rudeness.
They should not have been so rude to their guests.
12 They will be selling tickets for the Christmas pantomime at the box office.
Tickets for the Christmas pantomime go on sale at the box office.
13 Gary took a taxi so that he wouldn't be late.
Gary took a taxi out of fear of being late.
14 If you go online and book your tickets early, you'll get a better price.
Provided you go online and book your tickets in advance, you'll get a better price.
15 I don't find sport at all interesting.
I have no interest in sport whatsoever.
16 Somebody robbed the bank a week ago.
The bank was broken into a week ago.
17 You'd better see a doctor.
If I were you, I would see a doctor.
18 Sally doesn't do as much exercise as she did in the past.
Sally used to do more exercise than she does now.
19 You won't get good marks if you don't study hard.
Only by studying hard will you get good marks.
20 They bought the building because they planned to start a business.
They bought the building with a view to starting a business.
21 She was about to take a bath when the doorbell rang.
She was on the point of taking a bath when the doorbell rang.
22 I am not upset with Joe, despite his breaking my lamp.
I am not upset with Joe, even though he broke my lamp.
23 But for the help of my tutor I'd never have passed the exam.
If it hadn't been for the help of my tutor, I'd never have passed the exam.
24 His voice surprised us when he sang.
We were taken aback by his singing voice.
25 They rejected our offer on the house.
Our offer on the house was turned down by them.
26 I believe swimming is the best way to stay fit.
In my opinion, the best way keep in shape is to go swimming.
27 We try to pay the bills on time.
We don't want to fall behind on/with the bills.
28 They say that the tomb has a curse on it.
The tomb is said to have a curse on it.
29 He spent ages preparing dinner.
It took him ages to prepare dinner.
30 Not all unions agreed with the strike.
Not all the unions were in agreement with the strike.
31 The driving test wasn't as easy as I'd expected.
The driving test was more difficult than I'd expected.
32 John might have an artist paint his portrait.
John is thinking getting his portrait painted by an artist.
33 I'm sure he didn't intend to be rude
I'm sure he had no intention of being rude.
34 Can't you think of a better idea?
Is that the best idea you can think of?
35 Shall I bring the washing in?
Would you like me to bring the washing in?
36 Talking in the library isn't allowed.
You aren't supposed to talk in the library.
37 "You ate my sandwich," she said to him.
She having eaten her sandwich.
38 His parents won't let him buy a motorbike.
He isn't allowed to buy a motorbike.
39 When did they move to Switzerland?
How long has it been since they moved to Switzerland?
40 Joan couldn't get the book she wanted because they had sold out.
Joan was unable to get the book she wanted because they had sold out.
41 I'm sure Karen hasn't written the letter yet.
Karen won't have written the letter yet.
42 It's probable that he will fly via Amsterdam.
He will likely fly via Amsterdam.
43 Everyone brought a packed lunch except Richard.
The only person who didn't bring a packed lunch was Richard.
44 You've bought more apples than you need to make the pie.
You needn't have bought so many apples to make the pie.
45 Would you mind if I opened the window?
Would you object to me opening the window?
46 We arrived early so we could get a good seat.
We arrived early in the hope of getting a good seat.
47 It's a four-hour flight from London to Athens.
It takes four hours to fly from London to Athens.
48 She could hardly read the doctor's handwriting.
She had difficulty (in) reading the doctor's handwriting.
49 Nobody knows where the theatre is.
There isn't anybody who knows where the theatre is.
50 One has to taste it to fully appreciate it.
It has to be tasted to be fully appreciated.
51 That's the music school where I learnt the piano.
I was taught the piano at that music school.
52 Shall I mow the lawn?
Would you like me to mow the lawn?
53 When did you last go to the cinema?
When was the last time you went to the cinema?
54 They made us wait 40 minutes before they showed us to our table.
We kept waiting 40 minutes before they showed us to our table.
55 It was hard for them to get used to their new neighbourhood.
It took them time to get used to their new neighbourhood.
56 He managed to get the promotion.
He succeeded in getting the promotion.
57 I think it would be a good idea to call and book a table.
I calling and booking a table.
58 I enjoyed my holiday very much.
I had fun on my holiday.
59 Dad let me go to the party last week.
I was allowed to go to the party last week.
60 She is quieter than her sister.
She is loud as her sister.
61 "You've scratched my car," she said to him.
She accused him of scratching her car.
62 She will probably be late for the film.
She is unlikely to be on time for the film.
63 She wishes she hadn't moved so far away from home.
She regrets moving so far away from home.
64 After the play finished, the cast made a curtain call.
At the end of the play the cast made a curtain call.
65 The jeans I bought no longer fit me.
I have grown out of the jeans that I bought.
66 "I'm sorry I lost your umbrella," she said to him.
She having lost his umbrella.
67 Jenny hasn't been to dance class in a month.
It's a month since Jenny last went to dance class.
68 He shouldn't have been rude to the customer.
It was foolish of him to be rude to the customer.
69 I was unable to tolerate my noisy neighbours any longer.
I couldn't put up with my noisy neighbours any longer.
70 They have cancelled the concert because the singer is ill.
The concert has been called off because the singer is ill.
71 Is it OK for me to use your computer?
Would you object to me using your computer?
72 Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything.
Don't about asking me if you need anything.
73 I'd prefer him to think it over.
I would rather he thought it over.
74 His boss won't let him leave early.
He isn't allowed to leave early.
75 She was late due to the power cut on the underground.
She didn't arrive because of the power cut on the underground.
76 "Shall I save this for later?" she asked herself
She wondered whether she should save it for later.
77 He won't make it to the Olympics this time.
He has no chance of making it to the Olympics this time.
78 It's unlikely that I'll finish this project tonight.
I'm not likely to finish this project tonight.
79 They're building a new hospital at the moment.
A new hospital is being built at the moment.
80 It's pointless complaining about the noise.
It's not worth complaining about the noise.
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