Упр.6 Юнит 1.12 ГДЗ Starlight Баранова 11 класс

6 Сопоставьте слова/фразы, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте В, с их значениями ниже.
Побежденный силой
общий язык, используемый носителями
другие языки
взятый в
серия действий, которые достигают определенного результата
немного отличающиеся формы

Решение #

lingua franca – a common language used by speakers of other languages
(лингва франка – общий язык, используемый носителями других языков)
absorbed – taken in (поглощенный – взятый в)
process – a series of actions that achieve a particular result
(процесс – серия действий, которые достигают определенного результата)
conquered – defeated by force (завоеванный – побежденный силой)
took root in – became established (укоренился в – утвердился)
variations – slightly different forms (вариации – слегка отличающиеся формы)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Дули, Копылова 11 класс, Просвещение:
6 Match the words/phrases in bold in text В to their meanings below.
Defeated by force
a common language used by speakers of other languages
taken In
became established
a series of actions that achieve a particular result
slightly different forms
B Outside Influences
What has made the English language a lingua franca is its 1) flexibility. The history of Britain is a tale of many 2) invasions, from Anglo Saxons to Vikings and Normans, to name but a few, and they all left a 3) lasting mark on the development of English as it is spoken today. One of the results of this is that English has always 4) readily absorbed words from other languages and this is a process that continues to this day. Words like ketchup from Chinese, hoi polloi from Greek and apparatchik from Russian are all commonly used in English.
The language grew not only because Britain was conquered so many times but also because of the British Empire. Whatever part of the world English took root in, the 5) inhabitants changed the way it was used. Each region has its own dialect of the language, which has added new vocabulary and uses its own unique 6) pronunciation or accent. What is fascinating is that these new variations on the language have also influenced how it is spoken in the land it originated in. English is a language that changes continually because of the vast variety of peoples and cultures that use it.
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*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением