Упр.3 Юнит 1 Уроки 7-8 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 6 класс

1. Meet the Simpsons, a famous American cartoon family.
Who is who? Fill in the gaps with the preposition with or in and the words from the box. There are two extra words. There is am example (0) at the beginning.
Mr Simpson is a man (0) in a white (1) shirt and blue (2) trousers.
Mrs Simpson is a woman (3) with long blue (4) hair. She is (5) in a yellow (6) dress.
Bart is a boy (7) in a red (8) T-shirt and green (9) shorts.
Lisa is a girl (10) in a red (11) skirt.
Maggie is a baby (12) with a blue ribbon in her (14) blue.

Решение #

1 — shirt (рубашка);
2 — trousers (брюки);
3 — with (с);
4 — hair (волосы);
5 — in (в);
6 — dress (платье);
7 — in (в);
8 — T-shirt (футболке);
9 — shorts (шорты);
10 — in (в);
11 — skirt (юбка);
12 — with (с);
13 — blue (голубой);
14 — hair (волосы).

2. Queen Elizabeth II* has got a lot of grandchildren.
Are they of the same age? Put the words in brackets in the correct place and in the correct form. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Peter Philips is (0) the oldest. Princess Eugenie of York is (1) the youngest. She is 13 years (2) younger than Peter Philips. Prince Henry isn’t (3) as old as Beatrice. She is 4 years (4) younger than her cousin.Peter Philips is 4 years (5) older than his sister Sarah. Prince Henry has a brother: Prince William is (6) a bit older than he. He was 2 years (7) old when Prince Henry was born.

Решение #

1 — the youngest (самая молодая);
2 — younger than (моложе);
3 — as old as (такого же возраста);
4 — younger than (моложе);
5 — older than (старше);
6 — a bit older than (немного старше);
7 — old (лет/года).
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова 6 класс, Просвещение:
1. Meet the Simpsons, a famous American cartoon family.
Who is who? Fill in the gaps with the preposition with or in and the words from the box. There are two extra words. There is am example (0) at the beginning.
Mr Simpson is a man (0) in a white (1) shirt and blue (2) trousers.
Mrs Simpson is a woman (3) with long blue (4) hair. She is (5) in a yellow (6) dress.
Bart is a boy (7) in a red (8) T-shirt and green (9) shorts.
Lisa is a girl (10) in a red (11) skirt.
Maggie is a baby (12) with a blue ribbon in her (14) blue.

2. Queen Elizabeth II* has got a lot of grandchildren.
Are they of the same age? Put the words in brackets in the correct place and in the correct form. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Peter Philips is (0) the oldest. Princess Eugenie of York is (1) the youngest. She is 13 years (2) younger than Peter Philips. Prince Henry isn’t (3) as old as Beatrice. She is 4 years (4) younger than her cousin.Peter Philips is 4 years (5) older than his sister Sarah. Prince Henry has a brother: Prince William is (6) a bit older than he. He was 2 years (7) old when Prince Henry was born.
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением