Упр.2 Unit 3 Секция 4 Рабочая тетрадь 1 2020 ГДЗ Enjoy English 11 класс
2 Заполните таблицу. См упр.69-70, стр.100 в учебнике.
Решение #
Speaker | General attitude to cloning | Reasons and arguments |
1 | + | It allows scientists to discover more about genetics and to find new cures for many diseases. |
2 | - | It makes the speaker worry about the future. |
3 | + | It may help farming industry in the speaker's country. |
4 | + | It may help save many patients' lives. |
5 | — | Cloning babies could be dangerous and morally unacceptable. |
6 | +/- | Interesting but scary. |
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 11 класс, Дрофа:
2 Fill in the table. See Exs. 69-70, p. 100 in Student's Book.
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