Упр.93 Unit 2 ГДЗ Enjoy English 10 класс

93. Ответьте на вопрос в левой колонке, а затем заполните последнюю колонку таблицы ниже. Используйте Рабочую тетрадь.

Решение #

EmmaGillianDanielYour answer
Is marriage valued in to­day's society? Why? / Why not?No, because people are getting married 3, 4, even 5 times. To some people marriage isn't something sacred or important.No, because examples in the media and everyday society show that the sacred bond and the meaning of marriage have been lost.No, because these days people see marriage as a much more casual thing. Some people think it's unnecessary and that living together is just as good.I think, that 50% of people take the marriage seriously and another 50% don't take it seriously.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 10 класс, Дрофа:
93 Answer the question in the left column and then complete
the last column of the table below. Use your Workbook.
Is marriage valued in today’s
society? Why? / Why not?
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