Стр.46 Unit 5 ГДЗ Вербицкая Forward 8 класс

1 В парах просмотрите картинки и ответьте на вопросы.
Какой тип жилья изображен на каждой картинке?
Выберите из представленных ниже идей.
a semi-detached house (двухквартирный дом, дом на 2 семьи)
terraced houses (таунхаус, дом, стоящий в ряду одинаковых домов с общими стенами)
a villa (вилла, усадьба)
a cottage (коттедж)
a block of flats (многоквартирный дом)
a detached house (обособленный, частный дом)

Как вы думаете, какой тип жилья:
самый привлекательный?
самый современный?
самый удобный?
Какое жилье наиболее распространено в вашей стране?
В каком доме живет ваша семья?

Решение #

Type of accommodation In the pictures (типы жилья на картинках):
1. a detached house (обособленный, частный дом)
2. terraced houses (таунхаус, дом, стоящий в ряду одинаковых домов с общими стенами)
3. a block of flats (многоквартирный дом).

2 T043 Послушайте и решите, какую картинку в Упражнении 1 описывает говорящий.
Текст аудирования:
На картинке изображена улица таунхаусов в городе. Не знаю, где именно. Возможно, это в Германии, но, вероятно, где-то в Великобритании или Ирландии. Дома совсем маленькие, палисадников нет. Но некоторые дома выглядят очень красочно. На переднем плане - маленькие дети, которые играют в футбол на улице. А справа два старика, которые болтают друг с другом перед одним из домов. Возможно, они сплетничают о соседях! Ах да, на заднем плане кто-то моет машину. Это не очень красивая улица, но атмосфера кажется очень дружелюбной и непринужденной.

Решение #


3 Прочитайте описание на странице 113 и ответьте на вопросы.
1 О чем сначала говорит говорящий - мелкие детали или краткое изложение того, что показано на картинке?
2 Какое время говорящий использует для описания действий?
3 Какие фразы говорящий использует, чтобы описать, где что-то изображено?
4 Относится ли говорящий к картинке отрицательно или положительно? Почему?

Решение #

1. Summary. (краткое изложение)
2. The Present Continuous.
3. In the foreground (на переднем плане), in the background (на заднем плане), on the right (справа), in front of (спереди).
4. Positive: the houses look colourful, the atmosphere seems very friendly and relaxed.
(Положительно: дома выглядят красочно, атмосфера кажется очень дружелюбной и непринужденной.)

4 Изучите Speak Out и проверьте ваши ответы в Упражнении 3.
Описание картинок
Начните с того, что в целом показано на картинке.
The picture shows a street of terraced houses in a city. (На картинке изображена улица таунхаусов в городе.)
Используйте Present Continuous для описания того, что делают люди.
There are two old men on the right who are chatting. (Справа болтают двое стариков.)
Расскажите о том, что вы видите, более подробно. Используйте следующие фразы, чтобы описать, где что находится:
in the background/middle/foreground; (на заднем плане / в середине) / переднем плане)
at the bottom/top; (внизу / вверху)
on the right/left (справа / слева)
There’s somebody washing his car in the background.
(На заднем плане кто-то моет машину.)
Используйте фразу как perhaps и (it) might be если вы делаете предположение
It might be in Britain. (Может быть, в Британии.)
Perhaps it’s in Germany. (Возможно, это в Германии.)
Используйте it looks + прилагательное чтобы показать как вы относитесь к картинке
It looks very friendly. (Выглядит очень дружелюбно.)

5 Посмотрите на рисунок 3. Что в целом показывает изображение?

Решение #

The picture shows a housing estate with blocks of flats.
(На снимке - жилой комплекс с многоквартирными домами.)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Вербицкая, Гаярделли, Редли 8 класс, Вентана-Граф:
1 Read text A and look at the picture. Answer the questions.
1 When was this house displayed?
2 Does The House of the Future look modern today?
3 In your opinion, is the house a comfortable place to live?
4 In your opinion, what is the most unusual thing in it?
5 Did any of the architects’ ideas about the future really happen?

2 Read text В and match subjects 1-5 with paragraphs A-D. There is one extra heading.
1 The future is here today
2 The history of the intelligent house
3 Inside the intelligent house
4 What is an ‘intelligent’ house?
5 How technology helps outside the house

3 T041 Read text В again and complete it with sentences a-d. Then listen and check.
A that comes to your door
b where technology controls
c which are in every bedroom
d whose jobs require a lot of travel

4 Look at the texts again and decide which house the sentences describe, A or B. There are two sentences
which describe both houses.
1 This house can open the front door for you.
2 This house can clean the bath for you.
3 You don’t have to go outside to water the garden.
4 The outside of the house is not very unusual.
5 This house has some unusual furniture.
6 It is easy to control the lights in this house.

5 Work in groups. Which of these things would/ wouldn’t you like to have in your home? Why?/ Why not?
A bath that cleans itself
lights you control with a remote control
a camera that tells you who’s at the front door
a washing machine that finds lost socks
cameras which show you what is happening in all the bedrooms
a fridge that makes its own shopping list
a bedroom door that can be programmed to keep out brothers/sisters/parents
an alarm clock that understands your commands
I would like to have a bath that cleans itself, because I’m very lazy!

1 Think Back! Put these words into the table. In groups, add other words to each category.
DVD player
vacuum cleaner
living room
dining room
washing machine
Rooms/ places in the house
DVD player
Things outside the house

2 Check the meaning of the new words and put them in the table in Exercise 1.
chest of drawers
letter box

3 Do these adjectives have a positive (+) or a negative (-) meaning? Use a dictionary to help you. Some words have a positive and a negative meaning.
Adjectives to describe homes



4 T042 Read the text on page 113 and choose the correct words. Then listen and check. What kind of room is the person describing?
Текст аудирования:
1 really love this room — it’s very bright and cosy. It’s upstairs on the first floor. You get a wonderful view of the trees in the back garden from the window. There’s a big skylight too, so you get a lot of sunshine in here in the mornings which I love. It’s not very roomy, but I think it’s big enough for one person. It can be rather cold in winter, so I have to turn on the heater sometimes.
I like the decoration; it’s quite tasteful. There are a lot of colourful posters on the door and an attractive old Indian rug. There’s a lamp in the corner, a large desk where I keep my computer and printer and a bookshelf for my books. I keep all my CDs and records and I have my DVD player in here as well. There’s a comfortable old armchair too. Sometimes I sit and listen to music in the evenings, especially when my girlfriend goes to bed early. But most of the time I work in here. I'm finishing my studies so I’ve got a lot of work to do. I used to just work in the bedroom, but we decided it was better to have another room where I could work in peace.

5 Write a description of your bedroom. Look at the text on page 113 to help you. Include the following information.
Paragraph 1
1 Do you like it? Why?/Why not?
2 Is the room big/comfortable/warm/sunny (enough)?
3 What can you see from the window?
Paragraph 2
1 Do you have any decorations like pictures or posters on the wall/door?
2 What kind of furniture/appliances have you got in the room?

1 In pairs, look at the pictures and answer the questions.
What type of accommodation does each picture show? Choose from the ideas below.
A semi-detached house
terraced houses
a villa
a cottage
a block of flats
a detached house
What type of accommodation do you think is:
the most attractive?
The most modem?
The most comfortable?
What kind of accommodation is most common in your country?
What kind of home does your family live in?

2 T043 Listen and decide which picture in Exercise 1 the speaker is describing.
Текст аудирования:
The picture shows a street of terraced houses in a city. I don’t know where it is exactly. Perhaps it’s in Germany, but it’s probably in Britain or Ireland somewhere. The houses are quite small and they haven’t got front gardens. But some of the houses look very colourful. In the foreground there are some young kids who are playing football in the street. And there are two old men on the right who are chatting to each other in front of one of the houses. Perhaps they’re gossiping about the neighbours! Oh, and there’s someone washing his car in the background. It’s not a very beautiful street, but the atmosphere seems very friendly and relaxed.

3 Read the description on page 113 and answer the questions.
1 What does the speaker talk about first –small details or a summary of what the picture shows?
2 Which tense does the speaker use to describe actions?
3 Which phrases does the speaker use to describe where something is in the picture?
4 Does the speaker have a negative or a positive reaction to the picture? Why?

4 Study Speak Out and check your answers to Exercise 3.
Describing pictures
Start by saying what the picture shows in general.
The picture shows a street of terraced houses in a city.
Use the Present Continuous to describe what people are doing.
There are two old men on the right who are chatting.
Talk about what you can see in more detail. Use the following phrases to describe where things are:
in the background/middle/foreground;
at the bottom/top;
on the right/left.
There’s somebody washing his car in the background.
Use phrases like perhaps and (it) might be if you are making a guess.
It might be in Britain.
Perhaps it’s in Germany.
Use it looks + adjective to show how you feel about the picture.
It looks very friendly.

5 Look at picture 3. What does the picture show in general?
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
*размещая тексты в комментариях ниже, вы автоматически соглашаетесь с пользовательским соглашением