Упр.1 Unit 1 Секция 6 Рабочая тетрадь ГДЗ Enjoy English 7 класс
1. Решите проблемы и напишите их по образцу.
1. 102 + 135 = 237
Сто два плюс сто тридцать пять равно двести тридцать семь.
2. 7047 =...
3. 3, 586+89=...
4. 9,000,000 - 8,800,000 =...
5. 4,874 - 2,672 =...
1,000,000 - 5,647 =...
Решение #
2. Seventy plus forty seven is one hundred and seventeen. (70+47=117)
3. Three thousand five hundred and eighty six plus eighty nine is three thousand six hundred and seventy five. (3586+89=3675)
4. Nine million minus eight million eight hundred thousand is two hundred thousand. (9000000-8800000=200000)
5. Four thousand eight hundred and seventy four minus two thousand six hundred and seventy two is two thousand two hundred and two. (4874-2672=2202)
6. One million minus five thousand six hundred and forty seven is nine hundred ninety four thousand three hundred and fifty three. (1 000 000 – 5647 = 994 353).
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 7 класс, Дрофа:
1. Solve the problems and write them as it is shown in the model.
Example: 1. 102 + 135 = 237
One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty five is two hundred and thirty seven.
2. 7047 =...
3. 3, 586+89=...
4. 9,000,000 - 8,800,000 =...
5. 4,874 - 2,672 =...
1,000,000 - 5,647 =...
Популярные решебники 7 класс Все решебники
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