Упр.9 Unit 4 Homework ГДЗ Enjoy English 6 класс
9. Закончите предложения. Используйте Упр.69 на стр.165.
1. Jacques Yves Cousteau had several professions. He was a sea explorer, scientist, photographer, producer and writer.
(У Жака Ива Кусто было несколько профессий. Он был морским исследователем, ученым, фотографом, продюсером и писателем.)
2. Together with a French engineer Captain Cousteau created the aqualung or scuba.
(Вместе с французским инженером капитаном Кусто создал акваланг или акваланг.)
3. Captain Cousteau and his team explored the oceans, seas and rivers of the world.
(Капитан Кусто и его команда исследовали океаны, моря и реки мира.)
4. Captain Cousteau changed the ordinary ship Calypso into a special boat with instruments for diving and scientific research.
(Капитан Кусто превратил обычный корабль "Калипсо" в специальную лодку с приборами для дайвинга и научных исследований.)
5. Captain Cousteau was the author of 50 popular books about seas and oceans and more than a hundred amazing films about the underwater world.
(Капитан Кусто был автором 50 популярных книг о морях и океанах и более ста удивительных фильмов о подводном мире.)
6. Cousteau’s films about his trips drew public attention to the protection of ocean life.
(Фильмы Кусто о его путешествиях привлекли внимание общественности к защите океанской жизни.)
7. Captain Cousteau did a lot to protect the planet
(Капитан Кусто много сделал для защиты планеты.)
Решение #
1. a sea explorer, scientist, photographer, producer and writer.
2. created the aqualung or scuba.
3. explored the oceans, seas and rivers of the world.
4. a special boat with instruments for diving and scientific research.
5. 50 popular books about seas and oceans and more than a hundred amazing films about the underwater world.
6. drew public attention to the protection of ocean life.
7. the planet.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Денисенко 6 класс, Титул:
9 Complete the sentences. Use Ex. 69 on p. 165.
1. Jacques Yves Cousteau had several professions. He was a sea explorer, scientist, photographer, producer and writer.
2. Together with a French engineer Captain Cousteau created the aqualung or scuba.
3. Captain Cousteau and his team explored the oceans, seas and rivers of the world.
4. Captain Cousteau changed the ordinary ship Calypso into a special boat with instruments for diving and scientific research.
5. Captain Cousteau was the author of 50 popular books about seas and oceans and more than a hundred amazing films about the underwater world.
6. Cousteau’s films about his trips drew public attention to the protection of ocean life.
7. Captain Cousteau did a lot to protect the planet
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