Упр.1 Юнит 4 Урок 11-12 ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
1 Даниэль готовится к поиску работы. Прочитайте статью, которую он нашел, и поставьте, слова в скобках в нужной форме. Используйте приставки и суффиксы, если это необходимо.
Если работодатель будет впечатлен вашим резюме, вас пригласят на собеседование. Собеседование является заключительным этапом в процессе подачи заявления, когда работодатель встречает вас на разговоре лицом к лицу, задает вам вопросы, а иногда и проверяет ваши способности. Но бывают ситуации, когда вы даже не понимаете, что вы проходите испытания.
Представьте, что вы нанимаете кого-то на работу. Как бы вы оценили кандидата? По его резюме, квалификации, опыту работы, почерку, или знаку зодиака? Хотя большинство из нас полагаются на нормальные собеседования, изучение ваших практических навыков приходит к неожиданному выводу: характеристики кандидата, психологические тесты или оценочные тесты - не очень надежные средства предсказания своего будущего успеха в работе. Будьте осторожны с резюме, тоже. В Великобритании кадровые агентства знают, что даже самый замкнутый человек, когда-нибудь приходит к совершенству в своем резюме.
Очень успешная авиакомпания, одна из самых привлекательных поставщиков работы в Америке, имеет известный необычный подход к найму. "Мы не заинтересованы в квалификации или опыте", объясняет ее генеральный директор. "Мы можем обучать наших сотрудников, но мы ищем людей с индивидуальностью и чувством юмора". Для этой авиакомпании положительное отношение их сотрудников - является ключевым фактором в выборе персонала. Другой работодатель один раз отметил, что для него лучший показатель потенциальной способности управления - стиль вождения. Первое интервью происходит в машине, и человек должен ответить на вопросы при езде по городу. Каким образом кандидат обрабатывает городское движение, меняет полосы движения, имеет дело с ожидаемыми дорожными условиями, и т.д., как правило, это отражает его или ее организационные и лидерские навыки.
Можете ли вы применять бытовые привычки для работы? Изобретатель Томас Эдисон так и думал. Он приглашал людей, которые хотели работать на него, на обед. Если они солили пищу прежде чем попробовать, он не нанимал их. Способность проделывать постоянные "реальные проверки" было тем, что Эдисон ценил в своих сотрудниках больше всего.
Решение #
If the employer is impressed with your CV, you will get an interview. An interview is the final step in the application process, when the employer meets you in person, asks you questions and sometimes tests your ability. But there are situations when you don't even realize you are being tested.
Imagine you are hiring someone for a job. How would you best evaluate the application? From their job application forms, their qualification, their work experience, their handwriting, their zodiac signs? Although most of us would rely on a normal interview, research into hired practices comes up with a surprising conclusion: candidate performance in interviews, psychological tests or assessment centers are not very reliable means of predicting his or her future success in a job. Be careful with CVs, too. In Britain, employment agencies know that the closest a person ever comes to perfection is in his CV.
A very successful airline company, one of America's most attractive job providers, has a famously unusual approach to hiring. "We're not interested in qualifications or experience," explains its CEO. "We can train our staff, but we look for people with a nice personality and a sense of humor." For this airline company the positive attitude of their staff is a key factor in their choice of people. Another employer once mentioned that, for him, the best indicator of potential management ability is an applicant's driving style. The first interview takes place in a car, and the person has to answer questions while driving through city traffic. The ways in which the applicant handles city traffic, changes lanes, deals with expecting road conditions, etc., usually reflect his or her organizational and leadership skills.
Can you really apply everyday habits to work situations? The inventor Thomas Edison thought so. He invited people, who wanted to work for him, to lunch. If they salted their food before tasting it, he didn't hire them. The ability to make constant "reality checks" was what Edison valued in his staff most of all.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Кауфман 11 класс, Титул:
1 Daniel is getting ready for a job search. Read the article he found and put the words in brackets into the right form. Use prefixes and suffixes if necessary.
If the (EMPLOY) is impressed with your CV, you will get an interview. An interview is the final step in the application process, when the (EMPLOY) meets you in person, asks you questions and sometimes tests your (ABLE . But there are situations when you don't even realise you are being tested.
Imagine you are hiring someone for a job. How would you best evaluate the (APPLY ? From their job application forms, their (QUALIFY , their work experience, their handwriting, their zodiac signs? Although most of us would rely on a normal interview, research into (HIRE) practices comes up with a surprising conclusion: candidate performance in interviews, (PSYCHOLOGY) tests or (ASSESS) centres are not very reliable means of predicting his or her future success in a job. Be careful with CVs, too. In Britain, (EMPLOY) agencies know that the closest a person ever comes to perfection is in his CV.
A very (SUCCESS) airline company, one of America's most attractive job providers, has a famously unusual approach to hiring. "We're not interested in qualifications or experience," explains its CEO. "We can train our staff, but we look for people with a nice (PERSON) and a sense of humour." For this airline company the positive attitude of their staff is a key factor in their choice of people. Another (EMPLOY) once mentioned that, for him, the best indicator of potential management ability is an (APPLY 's driving style. The first interview takes place in a car, and the person has to answer questions while driving through city traffic. The ways in which the (APPLY) handles city traffic, changes lanes, deals with (EXPECT) road conditions, etc., usually reflect his or her organisational and leadership skills.
Can you really apply everyday habits to work situations? The (INVENT) Thomas Edison thought so. He invited people, who wanted to work for him, to lunch. If they salted their food before tasting it, he didn't hire them. The ability to make constant "reality checks" was what Edison (VALUE) in his staff most of all.
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